Di Miller

Asset Publisher

Di is a positive, proactive leader who promotes a strong focus on high standards and quality education for all.

Di Miller

Wandina Primary School

Di was appointed as Network Principal for the Geraldton Network in 2015, and presently holds the position.

She believes that professional learning communities are the key to developing a strong and capable workforce, whether that be within schools, across networks of schools, or as part of a system initiative. Di collaborated with key staff at her own school and the network to focus on building the capacity of staff to ensure teaching and learning programs for students are relevant, practical and linked to evidence-based research. As an Apple Distinguished School and previous Teacher Development School, a particular focus has been on upskilling staff at her school in the integration of iSTEM and digital technologies.

As foundation principal of Wandina Primary School in Geraldton, Di opened the school with students in Kindergarten to Year 3 in 2014 adding a year level on each year, becoming a Kindergarten to Year 6 school in 2017. The school currently has 465 students and 62 staff.

For her change management project, Di researched the topic: The Fellowship – What Has Been the Return on Investment?

The purpose of this project was to investigate how the ‘Fellowship Program’ has impacted on leadership at individual, school, network and system level. A range of perspectives on the efficacy of the program and system level data was analysed, to identify what is working well and areas of focus for the future.