Advanced Graduate Program for teaching graduates

Advanced Graduate Program for teaching graduates

Access extra benefits by working in one of our regional schools as an advanced graduate.

If you are a high-performing education graduate from a WA university, you have the chance to access higher salaries, subsidised rent, and permanency by starting your career in our regional schools.  

When you apply for a job in a public school, Advanced Graduate Program status will identify you as a high-achieving graduate. This status shows you have completed a process that determines you are one of the state’s highest-achieving education graduates. Principals of our regional schools are aware of the skills you have demonstrated to gain this status. 

+Program benefits

If you are accepted to the Advanced Graduate Program and take up a contract (between 0.8 full-time equivalent and full-time) outside of the metropolitan area (except for the Indian Ocean Territories schools) for 6 months or more, you will be able to access a range of benefits.

Over 24 months, you can access: 

  • a higher starting salary. Four-year trained graduates (Bachelor’s degree) will start on level 2.2 and Masters graduates will start on level 2.3 of on our teacher salaries scale1
  • one extra funded return trip to Perth, or another location in WA, per year (on top of the 2 trips that most of our regional staff receive) 
  • heavily subsidised rent for your Government Regional Officer’s Housing (GROH) accommodation (where GROH is available). This will be available for the second year of your appointment. 

After you complete 24 months of continuous service in regional schools, at a minimum of 0.8 full-time equivalent, you will: 

  • become a permanent staff member of the Department of Education 
  • receive a guaranteed transfer to a job in a metropolitan or regional area of your choice (subject to vacancies). 

You must start working in a regional school within 12 months of receiving confirmation of your AGP status.

+Check you are eligible to apply

To be eligible to apply, you must: 

  • have completed your initial teacher education studies at a WA university or be in your final semester of study towards an initial teacher education qualification at a WA university 
  • have performed to a very high standard in your most recent professional practice placement 
  • have completed your university coursework to a high standard 
  • be ready to work in a regional public school. 
+Apply for the Advanced Graduate Program

The application process includes: 

  • a written application 
  • a short online interview. 

You can apply during the last semester of your study towards an initial teacher education qualification. You can also apply up to 6 months after you graduate.   

Your online written application needs to include: 

  1. Evidence of high academic achievement in your coursework and professional practice experiences.
  2. Referee details. 
  3. A cover letter. 

The details you’ll need to apply are in our Advanced Graduate Program fact sheet. The fact sheet includes information on how to prepare your written application and about the interview process. 

Find the fact sheet, and submit your written application, via the Advanced Graduate Program advert on JobsWA2

We will assess your online written application. If deemed suitable, you will be invited to an online interview. 

This is not an employment pool. To apply for a job, browse our list of current jobs3 or apply to our Graduate Teacher Pool4.  

+Learn how we assess applications

A panel of teaching and learning experts will: 

  • assess your written application and online interview 
  • compare all applications before they make a final decision on who is successful for the program. 

The panel will consider current organisational needs across a range of specialist areas (for example, primary teaching or secondary science). This may mean there are different Advanced Graduate Program ‘cut-off scores’ for specialist areas. 

If your application is successful, you will receive interim Advanced Graduate Program (AGP) status. You will receive full AGP status after you graduate, and the status is valid for 12 months. 

Speak to one of our team to find out more about the program. 
Phone us at 9264 44125 (option 2) or email us at