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Recreation and Outdoor Education Activities for Public Schools Procedures


These procedures must be read in conjunction with the Duty of Care for Public School Students Policy.

2. Scope

These Procedures apply to all Department site managers and to Department employees in public schools who have been nominated to take charge of a recreation and/or outdoor education activity.

3. Procedures

3.1 Implementation

The Department site manager must confirm that all the requirements in the 2021 Recreation and Outdoor Education Activities for Public School Procedures are implemented on 1 January 2021

3.2 All recreation and outdoor education activities

The Department site manager must:

The nominated Department teacher-in-charge must:


Recreation and outdoor education activities conducted off the school site are classified as an excursion.

Examples of prohibited high risk activities include, but are not limited to, bungee jumping, sky diving, para/hang gliding and shooting. For onsite and offsite recreation and outdoor education activities not addressed specifically in these procedures, schools should develop a Risk Management Plan and Emergency Response Plan (see A.14 and Appendix B: Risk Management Plan and Appendix C: Emergency Response Plan).  Activities should have a curriculum purpose. If you are unsure about the nature of the activity, please contact Curriculum Support on 9402 6128.

Examples of potential environmental or safety risks include, but are not limited to: lightning flashes or strikes; storms; if strong or severe winds or waves are forecast; strong tidal areas; shark or bush fire alerts; known estuarine crocodile habitats; or in locations of potential risk, such as the Wittenoom township or locations near the Wittenoom mining area.

The Department of Education has duty of care responsibilities that apply to all recreation and outdoor education activities.  These are detailed in Appendix A: General Requirements in the Recreation and Outdoor Education Activities for Public Schools Procedures.  However, some recreation and/or outdoor activities by their nature have very specific requirements because of risk considerations associated with minimum qualifications/competencies for the supervisory team and teacher to student supervisory requirements or standards set by industries which are contained in separate supporting activity specific documents.  The general requirements and the specific activity requirements for all recreation and outdoor education activities are to be read in conjunction with each other.

4. Definitions

Any activity identified within the Recreation and Outdoor Education Activities for Public School Procedures.

An Approved provider is an entity listed on the current Approved Provider Register for public school excursions (excluding interstate and international excursions).

Assists the qualified supervisor and or Department teacher-in-charge.  May or may not have relevant qualification or experience.

Fire in natural areas, may be controlled or uncontrolled.

Informing someone thoroughly, especially in preparation for an activity or task, sometime prior to actually undertaking the activity or task.

The student is empowered to decide whether to participate in an activity.  The leader and others in a group are expected to respect anyone's right to sit out or to opt for a personalised level of engagement.

Ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve expected results.

The group of conditions, circumstances and facts that form the setting for an activity.

From the present or the very recent past.  Currency provides assurance that the evidence (e.g. qualifications, certificates, log book experience) provided is recent enough to show that the activity supervisor is competent at the time of making a decision.

Those who are responsible for looking after places and sometimes the stories and ceremonies linked to these places (Aboriginal Heritage Commission, 2002).

A member of staff employed by the Department of Education and authorised by the Department site manager to be in charge of a recreation and/or outdoor education activity.

Any officer who has executive responsibility for the overall management of any Department site.

A duty imposed by law to take reasonable care to minimise the risk of harm to persons who are under the care of the activity provider.

Tracking transmitter which aids in the detection and location of boats, aircraft and people in distress.

A systematic response to an incident that threatens safety, health and/or welfare.

Any student-learning activity conducted off the site of the school, at which the student is enrolled, that has an educational purpose; is organised or managed by a member of staff employed by the Department of Education or a representative of an Approved Provider; involves any associated costs being paid directly to the school, not to a third party; is insured by the Department of Education; and has gained the appropriate approval(s).

A business or individual paid by the school to provide a venue, service and/or expertise appropriate to a particular school activity; or a staff member of a TAFE college or a University who delivers an educational program, or part thereof, to students.

A designated time of the year, as specified by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services, when there is a heightened bushfire risk.

Flooding in a localised area with a rapid onset, usually as the result of relatively short intense bursts of rainfall.

A number of participants, supervisors and/or assistant supervisors, located, gathered or classed together for the purpose of completing a part or whole of an activity.

A supervisor capable of leading activities but who does not necessarily possess the skills to provide developmental instruction.

Advice and examples of good practice for implementing policy. Guidelines are not mandated.

A potential source of harm.  These can be physical (e.g. a cliff or moving water), technological (e.g. incorrect white water equipment) or an intentional agent (e.g. work practices such as manual handling).

Where a nominated person responsible for supervising others during all or part of the activity is in the vicinity but unable to intervene immediately.

The party that has legal responsibility for managing a particular environment.  This may include the power to restrict access or place conditions and/or requirements on access.  Includes managers of rivers, waterways and other bodies of water (also see land owner).

An unobstructed line that stretches between your eye and the intended object(s).

The party that owns and has legal responsibility for managing a particular environment (also see land manager).

A set of guidelines based around minimising the impact on natural environments.

A person, group of persons or legal entity organised for a particular purpose that provides an activity for either commercial (for profit) or non-commercial (not-for-profit or community group) purposes (see also provider).

Any experiential student learning activity in, through or about the outdoors; conducted on or off the site of the school at which the student is enrolled, that is organised or managed by a member of staff who is employed by the Department of Education and has gained the appropriate approval.

A person who undertakes an activity and is not a leader or assistant leader for the activity.

Detailed specification of steps and processes that are mandated through system wide management. Contravention of a procedure may constitute a breach of discipline pursuant to section 80 of the Public Sector Act 1994.

A systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices, in a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

Has the qualifications, skill, experience and technical knowledge to instruct the activity.

An activity of leisure in which people participate for enjoyment.

Includes any location where medical emergency assistance is more than one hour away by road and/or air.

Assists the qualified supervisor.  They may or may not have relevant qualifications or knowledge.

Anyone who has accepted the responsibility to act in a supervisory role at the planned activity.

The member of the teaching staff who is authorised by the Department of Education to manage the school activity.

The building, grounds and/or facilities, external to the school, where planned activities occur during an excursion

5. Related documents

6. Contact information

Policy manager:

Manager, Curriculum Priorities

Statewide Services Centre

Policy contact:                

T: (08) 9402 6217

7. History of changes

Effective date Last update date Procedure version no.
1 January 2019 1.0
These new procedures support the Duty of Care for Public School Students policy that replaces the Outdoor Education and Recreation Activities for Public Schools, Duty of Care VET for School Students Attending TAFEWA Colleges from Public Schools and Workplace Learning for Public School policies. Endorsed by the Director General at Corporate Executive on 9 August 2018.
1 January 2019 28 November 2018 1.1
Director General at Corporate Executive endorsed a transition period to be added to the Outdoor Education Activities for Public Schools Procedures on 28 November 2018.
1 January 2021 2.0
Revised procedures endorsed by A/Director General on 9 July 2020 D20/0350265.
1 January 2021 31 March 2021 2.1
Minor change to reword Excursion Definition. D21/0172483
1 January 2021 27 May 2021 2.2
Minor change to guidance 3.2. D21/0281556
1 January 2021 18 July 2022 2.3
Minor changes D22/0539184
1 January 2021 9 June 2023 2.4
Minor update to contact details Pg 6 D23/1215797
1 January 2021 23 May 2024 2.5
Minor update to Relevant legislation D24/0365042

8. Appendices

Appendix A:  General Requirements (PDF file - 174.9kB)

Appendix B:  Risk management plan (PDF file - 146.7kB)

Appendix C:  Emergency response plan (PDF file - 136kB)

Appendix D:  External provider checklists (PDF file - 80.9kB)

Appendix E:  Abseiling and Climbing (PDF file - 154.5kB)

Appendix F:  Bushwalking (PDF file - 200.7kB)

Appendix G:  Camping (PDF file - 115.3kB)

Appendix H:  Caving (PDF file - 154.7kB)

Appendix I:  Cycling, Cycle Touring and Mountain Biking (PDF file - 339.2kB)

Appendix J:  Horse Riding (PDF file - 275.4kB)

Appendix K:  Orienteering, Rogaining and Navigation (PDF file - 162kB)

Appendix L:  Paddling (PDF file - 246.7kB)

Appendix M:  Power Boating (PDF file - 182kB)

Appendix N:  Ropes Courses and Bouldering (PDF file - 181.8kB)

Appendix O:  Sailing and Sail Boarding (PDF file - 149.1kB)

Appendix P:  Scuba Diving (PDF file - 165.1kB)

Appendix Q:  Snorkelling (PDF file - 171.2kB)

Appendix R:  Surf Riding (PDF file - 165.8kB)

Appendix S:  Swimming and Water Based Activities (PDF file - 263.9kB)

9. More information

This procedure:

Download procedure PDFRecreation and Outdoor Education Activities for Public Schools Procedures v2.5

Please ensure you also download the policy supported by this procedure.

Supported policy:

Download Policy PDFDuty of Care for Public School Students Policy

Procedure review date

1 January 2024

Procedure last updated

23 May 2024