Making choices for Years 11 and 12

Making choices for Years 11 and 12

Students may be interested in university study, have a specific career in mind that will involve further education and training, or intend to enter the workforce after leaving school.

Students may be interested in university study, have a specific career in mind that will involve further education and training, or intend to enter the workforce after leaving school. There is a wide range of options for students in Years 11 and 12 that provide multiple pathways to university, training and employment.

Course and program options for Year 11 and 12 students
Option Description
ATAR courses Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) courses typically have an academic focus. Students seeking to achieve an ATAR need to complete a minimum of four Year 12 ATAR courses.  Although usually undertaken to access university studies, ATAR courses are also excellent preparation for a range of post-school pathways, including vocational training.

General courses

These courses are primarily intended for students who are typically aiming to enter further vocational training or to enter the workforce after they leave school. General courses don’t have externally set exams like ATAR courses, but they do have a compulsory externally set task in Year 12 worth 15 per cent of a student’s overall assessment. Students may be able to use some general courses as part of an alternative entry pathway to some university courses.

Foundation courses

Designed for students who need support to achieve the minimum standards for literacy and/or numeracy before the end of Year 12. These courses provide a focus on functional literacy and numeracy skills, practical work‐related experience and the opportunity to build personal skills that are important for life and work.

Foundation courses don’t have exams, they have a compulsory externally set task in Year 12 which is worth 15 per cent of a student’s school-based assessment for the course.
VET qualifications Students complete a nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) qualification. VET builds skills and knowledge in and for the workplace. Students may use VET qualifications to count towards the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).

Endorsed programs

Endorsed programs offer learning through activities not covered by WACE courses or VET programs. Endorsed programs are for students wishing to participate in programs which are delivered in a variety of settings by schools, workplaces, universities and community organisations. Endorsed programs can be delivered as part of the school curriculum or as extra-curricula activities and students may use them to count towards the WACE.

Preliminary courses

Preliminary courses are designed for students who have been identified as having a learning difficulty and/or an intellectual disability. These courses provide options for students who cannot access the ATAR, general or foundation course content with adjustment and/or disability provisions.

Preliminary units do not contribute to achievement of a WACE.


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