Career progression
Career progression
As your career progresses, there is a range of professional learning and development to support your aspirations.
Working in public education is not just a job – it's an exciting career where you can make a difference inspiring our students to achieve their best. Our career pathways can take you into leadership roles or give you the rich experience of working in regional areas.
We are committed to growing and developing our staff. We offer professional learning that is responsive to your needs and the diverse requirements of students and schools.
Leap program
You can get further qualifications to teach in additional specialist areas or move into a new area of teaching through our Leap program1.
Senior teachers
Senior teachers commit to high-quality teaching and ongoing professional learning.
Senior teachers play an important role in:
- developing teaching practices and curriculum
- mentoring and supporting other teachers, including pre-service and graduate teachers, about classroom performance, teaching the curriculum and resource development
- school planning.
Current teachers who meet the eligibility criteria can apply to become a senior teacher. Check out teacher salaries2 for the senior teacher salary rate. Our teachers can use the staff intranet, Ikon, to apply.
Level 3 classroom teacher
Level 3 classroom teachers are our highest-paid teachers and they have an important role in leading high-quality teaching in their school and our system. Check out level 3 classroom teacher salaries2.
If you are an outstanding teacher, you can apply to become a level 3 classroom teacher. This status rewards and recognises your outstanding teaching practice.
Our Level 3 classroom teacher program is unique and acknowledged across Australia for rewarding and recognising exemplary teaching practices. Our teachers can find information about how to apply, from our intranet Ikon.
Become a head of learning area or program coordinator
Secondary schools have teacher leadership positions. Head of learning areas and program coordinators may have teaching and leadership responsibilities. They are curriculum experts and line managers.
To move into one of these leadership roles, you'll need to be an exemplary teacher who can model great teaching. There are a number of ways you can demonstrate leadership before you apply for one of these roles, including:
- participating in an external syllabus committee
- mentoring a trainee teacher
- participating in professional development.
We support our staff with professional learning opportunities for emerging leaders, through our Leadership Institute.
Become a deputy principal or principal
We are committed to the early identification of our future school leaders. Our Leadership Institute has a range of programs available to prepare you before you apply for one of these roles.
To apply for a position in leadership, prepare by reading the Australian Professional Standard for Principals3.
After you are appointed to a principal role, we continue to offer support from our collegiate principals. They are available for all principals, to support and strengthen teaching and learning excellence in every classroom.