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All parents want the very best for their children – especially when it comes to education. Children are at the centre of everything we do. We offer a range of diverse learning environments for students and exciting primary and secondary teaching roles for teachers.

Public schools have a great range of benefits

Public schools have a great range of benefits

Education for all

We want every child in Western Australia to succeed, whatever their ability, wherever they live, and whatever their background.

High-quality education

We encourage and support all children to challenge themselves, to achieve their highest possible standard and personal best.

Better student-teacher ratio

Our teachers invest in the education of all our students. They encourage children to perform at their best, in environments where they are understood, cared for and appreciated. 

Full curriculum

Public schools offer a full curriculum and a range of programs designed to excite, stimulate and inspire children to learn. 

Reaching potential

Our schools focus on developing well-rounded students who succeed at their schoolwork, are happy and well-adjusted, and show concern and respect for others. 

Programs for students with disability

Specialist staff deliver individualised programs that cater for children who need additional support. 

Unique learning environments

Unique learning environments

We have state-of-the-art facilities

There's a public school near you

There's a public school near you

Use our 'Find a school' tool to search for your local public school by name or suburb. The tool will provide contact information as well as some brief background information about the school.

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