Community based course registration
Community based course registration
Community based courses are assessed by the Department of Education and endorsed by the Minister for Education.
Community Based Courses (CBCs) provide alternative options for young people, particularly those in the last two years of compulsory school age (Years 11 and 12). They enable students to undertake activities which are suited to their particular needs and interests in a different learning environment to mainstream and Curriculum and Re-engagement in Education (CARE) schools.
CBCs enable young people to meet the requirement for completing compulsory education while continuing to develop their literacy, numeracy, social and life skills in a safe and secure environment that is comfortable for them and conducive to learning.
CBCs are approved for a specified provider at a specified location, for a set period of time.
They are prescribed by the Minister and their details are published in the Government Gazette1. The Department of Education provides advice to the Minister about CBCs.
In August 2019 the Minister for Education determined Guidelines for Community Based Courses2 effective from 1 August 2019. The Guidelines assist providers to understand the types of things the Minister will consider when assessing a provider’s application to establish a CBC. Recognising that every CBC is different, these are guidelines only, and each applicant is assessed on a case by case basis.
The Guidelines clearly establish an expectation that a student’s participation in a CBC will be in their interests. Fundamentally, all CBCs must be safe for students, and must provide a service which meets students’ needs.
Manager Education Regulation
Non-Government School Regulation
T: 9441 1947
Asset Publisher
Guidelines for Community Based Courses2
Guidelines for Community Based Courses as determined by the Minister for Education and Training, effective from and on 1 August 2019.
Provider request for Community Based Course4
A provider seeking to operate a CBC must apply to the Department of Education using this form.