School is open for learning.
We are committed to ensuring schools remain safe for students, staff and families as we learn to live with COVID-19.
Keep our school communities safe.
If your child has cold or flu symptoms, they should stay home until symptoms resolve.
If your child tests positive for COVID-19, they should stay home for at least 5 full days and until symptoms resolve.
For more information, visit HealthyWA COVID-19 close contacts1.
For information about caring for your child's health if they are COVID-19 positive, visit the HealthyWA website2.
You can also hear more about COVID-19 in children in this video from the Child and Adolescent Health Service.
Ventilation in classrooms helps minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19.
We worked with the Department of Finance and an independent health expert to develop a ventilation strategy for schools based on natural ventilation and existing air-conditioning and heating systems. The strategy follows national and international guidance and is endorsed by the Western Australian Chief Health Officer.
Ventilation assessments were conducted across our school facilities, and guidelines on ventilating rooms inform staff how to prepare each room for optimum ventilation every day.
To understand the different types of ventilation in classrooms, download the ventilation poster3.
4For the best protection against COVID-19, your child should access all recommended doses of COVID-19 vaccine. WA Health recommends it for all Western Australians 5 years and older.
Access resources and answers to common questions about COVID-19, the vaccine and your child from Telethon Kids Institute5 and HealthyWA6.
COVID-19 and influenza are different viruses, so it’s important to get both vaccines – you can even get both at once.
Find out when and where you can get your next dose at Roll up for WA4.
We are committed to delivering quality teaching to children across the state. Our public schools remain ready to respond to the advice of the Chief Health Officer.
More resources
More resources
COVID-19 ventilation in classrooms poster3
Adequate ventilation in classrooms helps minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission.