Distance education
Distance education
Distance education provides a range of study options to families with children who, for various reasons, can't physically attend school.
Whether studying through the School of Isolated and Distance Education or one of our 5 Schools of the Air, children access the same learning opportunities and follow the same Western Australian curriculum as those attending full-time school.
The School of Isolated and Distance Education (SIDE) is a cutting-edge online school that provides a high level of education to children who need additional flexibility.
Courses are available online with practical materials delivered to the home. Classes are taught in real time through engaging, two-way communication with children in primary and secondary school.
Enrolments are typically for children who:
- are attending school full-time and can’t attend their local public school due to geographical isolation
- are travelling nationally or internationally with family on a long-term basis
- are enrolled in a local public school that doesn’t offer the courses they wish to study, or where timetables don’t allow them to join the classes
- have a long-term illness.
To find information about the School of Isolated and Distance Education, visit Schools Online1.
The Schools of the Air deliver a comprehensive education to families with children living in isolated communities. Each of the 5 schools services large areas of Western Australia. Our teachers understand the unique challenges students face living remotely and are skilled in providing tailored learning programs to cater for individual learning needs.
Schools of the Air campuses are located at Carnarvon, Kalgoorlie, Derby, Meekatharra and Port Hedland.
To find the School of the Air nearest to you, enter “School of the Air” in the 'School Name' search bar when you visit Schools Online2.
Children studying through distance education in regional public schools with exceptional abilities may have access to Gifted and Talented programs. To access the program, your child can apply for the Selective Academic Program Online3. Only students that live in regional areas (outside of Bunbury and Albany) can participate in the Selective Academic Program online.