New category for 2024 WA Education Awards

Asset Publisher

28 June 2024

Reward and recognition

A new category has been added to the Education Awards for 2024 that will allow incredible work and achievements in the wellbeing and learning area to be recognised.

This category will highlight the great work schools are doing in meeting the wellbeing needs of students and creating environments where every student feels valued and welcome.  

Judith King, Department of Education Service Design and Support Director, said many schools were already achieving outstanding results in the area of wellbeing.  

“The experiences students have at school will have a long-lasting impact upon their beliefs about themselves, relationships with others and the trajectory of their development,” she said. 

“Providing enrichment opportunities to engage students in the school community builds a sense of belonging and connection, which is critical for success. 

“Many schools are already doing a considerable amount to support the wellbeing of children and young people. 

“This award provides an opportunity to celebrate the great work we know is happening.” 

There are five other categories that schools can be nominated for, including excellence in leadership, teaching and learning (both primary and secondary), cultural responsiveness, and disability and inclusion.  

Staff, school council and board chairs and P&C presidents are encouraged to work together to nominate their schools for this year's awards. 

All Western Australian public schools are eligible to be nominated, including early childhood, education support, and special educational needs. 

Nominations close Friday 16 August. Four finalists will be selected for each category and the winners will be announced in November at a presentation breakfast.  

Winning schools will receive $20,000 towards a project or program, while finalist schools will receive $5,000.  

For more information, including details of our past winners, visit our awards page1.