Not all heroes wear capes
Asset Publisher
25 March 2024
Students and staff at a Perth primary school dressed up as superheroes for Hero Hunter Day in memory of their friend and classmate.
Hero Hunter Day supports the Hero Hunter Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation that provides support to families with a child undergoing oncology treatment.

Hero Hunter Day supports the Hero Hunter Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation that provides support to families with a child undergoing oncology treatment.
The foundation honours Hunter Madden who was just three years old when he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.
Hunter battled Leukaemia for five years, had three relapses, gruelling treatment and sadly died in September 2021 at just eight years old.
Hunter went to Hillcrest Primary School which is where the Hero Hunter Day dress up day began. Schools across WA now take part each year.
Hillcrest Primary School principal Liz Ford said Perth landmarks were also turning green in honour of Hunter for Hero Hunter Day.
“Each year, the school participates in Hero Hunter Day by dressing as superheroes to honour Hunter and support the foundation that has been set up in his name,” she said.
“For us, Hunter will always live on in our hearts, and we have a special buddy bench that was donated by Hunter’s family, which is a good place for kids to go when they want to remember him or need a friend.
“It was lovely to see the Hillcrest community come together today for such an important event, and honour Hunter and his family.”