Attraction and retention incentive for remote and regional schools
Attraction and retention incentive for remote and regional schools
The temporary Regional Attraction and Retention Incentive is a major investment designed to attract and retain teachers, school administrators, school psychologists and lead school psychologists in some regional and remote locations.
A further $8.4 million has been announced to extend this temporary initiative in 2025. Refer to the media statement, Multimillion-dollar investment to support regional teachers1.
The payment will be offered to both new and existing teachers and school administrators in 2025. It also applies to school administrators as the expectation is that they will teach or pick up a teaching load.
This incentive is not an ongoing entitlement.
Payments will vary up to $8,500 depending on location and other industrial incentives. A percentage will be paid upon commencement (25%) and the remainder (75%) paid to those staff who remain at the school until the end of the school year.
The following is a list of schools eligible to receive the incentive payments.
Eligible schools
- Australind Senior High School
- Bayulu Remote Community School
- Brookton District High School
- Broome Senior High School
- Bruce Rock District High School
- Burringurrah Remote Community School
- Carnamah District High School
- Carnarvon Community College
- Central Midlands Senior High School
- Champion Bay Senior High School
- Collie Senior High School
- Cue Primary School
- Dawul Remote Community School
- Derby District High School
- Djugerari Remote Community School
- Donnybrook District High School
- East Kimberley College
- Eastern Goldfields College
- Eaton Community College
- Fitzroy Valley District High School
- Geraldton Senior High School
- Halls Creek District High School
- Harvey Senior High School
- Hedland Senior High School
- Jerramungup District High School
- Jungdranung Remote Community School
- Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School
- Kalumburu Remote Community School
- Kambalda West District High School
- Karratha Senior High School
- Katanning Senior High School
- La Grange Remote Community School
- Laverton School
- Leinster Community School
- Leonora District High School
- Looma Remote Community School
- Marble Bar Primary School
- Meekatharra District High School
- Menzies Community School
- Merredin College
- Morawa District High School
- Mount Magnet District High School
- Mount Margaret Remote Community School
- Mullewa District High School
- Muludja Remote Community School
- Narrogin Senior High School
- Newman Senior High School
- Newton Moore Senior High School
- Ngaanyatjarra Lands School
- Norseman District High School
- Northam Senior High School
- Nullagine Primary School
- One Arm Point Remote Community School
- Pannawonica School
- Ravensthorpe District High School
- Roebourne District High School
- Southern Cross District High School
- Tjuntjuntjara Remote Community School
- Tom Price Senior High School
- WA College of Agriculture – Cunderdin
- WA College of Agriculture - Morawa
- WA College of Agriculture - Narrogin
- Wananami Remote Community School
- Wiluna Remote Community School
- Wongan Hills District High School
- Wyalkatchem District High School
- Yulga Jinna Remote Community School.
The payment will be offered to both new and existing school psychologists and lead school psychologists in 2025 and 2026, who work in eligible locations and positions.
The incentive is not available for staff who:
- work on a casual basis
- deliver services on a drive-in drive-out or fly-in fly-out basis.
Payments will vary up to $20,870, depending on location and other industrial incentives.
Eligible positions and locations
Eligible location | Eligible position |
Kalgoorlie–Boulder |
Ngaanyatjarra Lands | School psychologist |
Broome | School psychologists at the School of Special Educational Needs: Behaviour and Engagement and the School of Alternative Learning Settings only |
Derby | School psychologist |
Fitzroy Crossing | School psychologist |
Halls Creek | School psychologist |
Kununurra |
Carnarvon | School psychologist |
Geraldton | School psychologists at the School of Special Educational Needs: Behaviour and Engagement and the School of Alternative Learning Settings only |
Karratha |
Hedland | School psychologist (inclusive of the School of Special Educational Needs: Behaviour and Engagement and the School of Alternative Learning Settings) |
Newman | School psychologist |
Tom Price | School psychologist |
Northam | School psychologists at the School of Special Educational Needs: Behaviour and Engagement and the School of Alternative Learning Settings only |