Contact us

Contact us

School enquiries

Contact your local public school1 for information on:

  • enrolments
  • student performance
  • student behaviour
  • school policies
  • parent support groups
  • dress codes
  • languages other than English
  • early childhood programs
  • WA Certificate of Education requirements
  • specialist programs.

You can find a school in our directory of all public schools in Western Australia, Schools Online2.

Education regional offices

Provide information on local public school options, special programs and services such as school psychology, behaviour centres, home education and reporting students not attending school.

North Metropolitan Education Regional Office
Telephone: 9285 36003  Fax: 9285 37304
Street address: 20 Grenville Street, Tuart Hill 6060
Postal address: PO Box 1126, Innaloo City WA 6918
Schools in this region6
South Metropolitan Education Regional Office
Telephone: 9336 95637  Fax: 9336 22378
Street address: 184 Hampton Road, Beaconsfield WA 6162
Postal address: PO Box 63, South Fremantle WA 6162
Schools in this region10
Goldfields Education Regional Office
Telephone: 9093 560011  Fax: 9093 565612
Street address: Federal Road, Kalgoorlie WA 6430
Postal address: PO Box 385, Kalgoorlie WA 6433
Schools in this region14
Kimberley Education Regional Office
Telephone: 9192 080015  Fax: 9193 671816
Street address: 10 Coghlan Street, Broome WA 6725
Postal address: PO Box 2142, Broome WA 6725
Schools in this region18
Midwest Education Regional Office
Telephone: 9956 160019  Fax: 9964 139120
Street address: Level 2, 209 Foreshore Drive, Geraldton WA 6530
Postal address: PO Box 63, Geraldton WA 6530
Schools in this region22
Pilbara Education Regional Office
Telephone: 9185 011123  Fax: 9185 013724
Street address: Level 2, 20 Sharpe Avenue, Karratha WA 6714
Postal address: PO Box 384, Karratha WA 6714
Schools in this region26
South West Education Regional Office
Telephone: 9791 030027  Fax: 9791 222828
Street address: Bunbury Tower 5th Floor, 61 Victoria Street, Bunbury WA 6230
Postal address: Bunbury Tower, 61 Victoria Street, Bunbury 6230
Schools in this region30
Wheatbelt Education Regional Office
Telephone: 9622 020031  Fax: 9622 399632
Street address: McIver House, 297 Fitzgerald Street, Northam WA 6401
Postal address: Box 394, Northam WA 6401
Schools in this region34

Central services and general enquiries

Telephone: 9264 411135
Street address: 151 Royal Street, East Perth WA 6004 (entry off Hill Street)

Other public school services

School Watch Security

Telephone: 1800 177 77736 or Police: 131 44437

Staff Recruitment and Employment Services

Telephone: +61 8 9264 441238 (option 2)

Screening Unit

Telephone: +61 8 9264 447741


Journalists with enquiries about public education or non-government school services in Western Australia, contact:
Telephone: 9264 582144 (journalist or media-related enquiries only)

Support for students with special learning needs

For information about schooling options for children with special learning needs, contact:

School of Special Educational Needs: Behaviour and Engagement46
Telephone: 9402 620047

School of Special Educational Needs: Disability48
Telephone: 9402 618549

School of Special Educational Needs: Medical and Mental Health50
Telephone: 6456 038351

School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory52
Telephone: 9402 640953

Studying in Western Australia as an international student

If your child will be studying in Western Australia as an international student, visit TAFE International Western Australia54.

Swimming and Water Safety


Interm Swimming

Telephone: 9402 619556
Email metropolitan:
Email country:


Telephone: 9402 641259