Enrol at a public school
Premier's Anzac Student Tour
WA Education Awards
Term dates
Financial support
Gifted and Talented
Instrumental music
Career development
Australian Early Development Census (AEDC)
Swimming careers
Teach in rural, regional and remote WA
Overseas qualified teachers
Become a teacher in WA
Choose teaching in a public school
Aboriginal pathways
Graduate careers
School psychologists
Our people
Priorities and initiatives
School data and performance
Annual reports
Strategic directions
Building our schools
Community consultations on schooling
Kimberley Schools Project
Culturally responsive schools
School chaplaincy program
Caring for Country together
Schools Clean Energy Technology Fund
Preschool funding agreement
Regional education strategy
Better and Fairer Schools Agreement
Quality Teaching Strategy
Our sustainability framework provides our direction to address economic, environmental and social issues.
This fund demonstrates our commitment to renewable electricity and will reduce school’s energy costs and carbon emissions.
Aboriginal children make up more than 60 per cent of the Kimberley’s school population and many of them face significant challenges to complete their education.
We are committed to increasing our focus on creating culturally responsive environments and strengthening the cultural identity and wellbeing of Aboriginal students in our schools.
Chaplaincy and student wellbeing services play a key role in supporting schools to provide pastoral care.
The agreement confirms up to $190 million of Commonwealth funding for preschool in Western Australia.
The new Better and Fairer Schools Agreement will deliver funding and reforms to help improve education outcomes for all students.