Reports produced or commissioned by us as well as reports by others about our programs and/or performance.
Asset Publisher
Understanding and reducing the workload of teachers and leaders in Western Australian public schools1
An independent report to investigate the major drivers of excessive teacher and leader workload in Western Australian public schools and make actionable recommendations about how they could be mitigated by school and departmental leaders. Published in November 2023, the report was commissioned by the Department and undertaken by Viviane Robinson, Viviane Robinson Consulting and Peter Hamilton, Hamilton Associates.
Research into Developing Highly Effective School Boards for Independent Public Schools (Curtin University)3
An independent study commissioned by the Department and undertaken by Curtin University. The study informed the development of the School Board Development Program for Independent Public Schools.
School Autonomy - Building the conditions for student success4
Independent research by Hamilton Associates.
Evaluation of Independent Public Schools initiative - Full report5
An evaluation by The University of Melbourne found a specifically Western Australian version of autonomy emerging that was creating the strong foundations needed by schools to improve student achievement.
Evaluation of Independent Public Schools initiative - Executive summary6
An evaluation by The University of Melbourne found a specifically Western Australian version of autonomy emerging that was creating the strong foundations needed by schools to improve student achievement.
Perspectives on exemplary school practice7
This paper by our Expert Review Group provides a snapshot of performance of the exemplary schools. The information presented capitalises on the knowledge and skills of those working in these highly effective schools. It has been prepared to share insights about what works in them.
High performing primary schools - what they have in common8
During April and May 2015, Emeritus Professor Bill Louden investigated and prepared a case study report on the school operations and pedagogical practices in place in nine high performing primary schools as measured by NAPLAN. The intention of the investigation was to inform the Department of Education’s understanding of the conditions required for a school to achieve improved literacy and numeracy outcomes.
Community attitudes around education reform9
Market research commission by the Department and undertaken by Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) to measure the level of awareness, knowledge and support of the community (including parents) of eight changes and initiatives that together make up a major reform of school education in Western Australia.
Western Australian school leadership strategy Report 1 June 201610
This report by Learning First is the situation analysis and preliminary findings following extensive consultation in 2016 as the first stage in the development of a comprehensive school leadership strategy.
Evaluation of the Child and Parent Centre initiative11
An independent evaluation commissioned by the Department and undertaken by Shelby Consulting over two years.
Early childhood development for children living in Western Australia by region - Australian Early Development Census 201512
The AEDC data has been aggregated and reported to gain a better understanding of how children are developing within each Western Australian region.
Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot Initiative in Western Australia - Overview and Key Findings13
This study describes in detail the implementation and outcomes of KindiLink for Aboriginal families and their 3‐year‐old children.
Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot Initiative in Western Australia - Survey Data (2016‐2018)14
This volume of the KindiLink evaluation presents findings from the surveys undertaken in 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot Initiative in Western Australia - Case Studies (2016‐2018)15
The case studies presented in this volume provide descriptive accounts of the implementation and outcomes of the KindiLink initiative across four sites in 2017.
Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot Initiative in Western Australia - Reflective Journal16
KindiLink teachers and AIEOs were invited to complete an online journal to help document the emerging nature and impact of KindiLink on families over time.