Strategic directions
Strategic directions
Our purpose is clear: every student, every classroom, every day.
The Department influences the education of all students in Western Australia. We are responsible for the provision of public education and have a role in supporting the education of all students in Western Australia.
Every student, every classroom, every day1, our strategic directions for public schools 2020-2024 sets clear aspirations for every student and focuses on improvement drivers across 6 pillars to strengthen support for teaching and learning.
Building on strength: future directions for the Western Australian public school system2 is our long-term vision for education over the coming years. This statement explains the thinking and rationale behind the commitments made in our 2020–2024 strategic directions.
Focus 20253 aims to build on our successes, maintain momentum and embed the great work completed as part of our strategic directions for Every student, every classroom, every day. Focus 2025:
- communicates the Director General’s expectations of schools in 2025
- provides a commitment to school staff about the support provided to deliver these expectations.
Focus 2025 embeds current Government and Department initiatives, including:
- promoting high-quality teaching and learning
- prioritising the health and wellbeing of students and staff
- attracting and retaining quality staff
- assisting students with disabilities
- fostering the success of Aboriginal students within their cultural context.
Strategic plans
Strategic plans
Staff health and wellbeing strategy 2023-20274
This strategy represents our commitment to building a wellbeing culture and strengthening the health and wellbeing of all staff in our schools and workplaces.
International education plan 2022-20275
This strategy describes the Department’s approach to developing and growing international education across public schools in Western Australia.
Agency Commissioning Plan for Community Services 20236
The Agency Commissioning Plan for Community Services 2023 outlines the strategic role commissioning will play in transforming the delivery of community services in Western Australia.
Principal health and wellbeing strategy 2023–20278
This strategy aims to support principals to be safe, healthy and well through strong support and connectedness across schools, regions and central services.
Multicultural Plan 2021-202510
This plan outlines our key areas of action to support intercultural understanding and cultural responsiveness, in response to the state government's Multicultural Policy Framework priorities.
Equity Diversity and Inclusion Plan 2021-202511
Our commitment to workforce equity, diversity and inclusion in our schools, our services and workplaces.
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2018-202313
Our commitment to meet the diverse needs of students in public schools in partnership with parents, staff and school communities.
Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework14
Part of our broader reform to deliver the best possible education for all students.
Focus 202115
For 2021 we resume activities paused in 2020 and refocus our work on the priorities we set ourselves in Every student, every classroom, every day.
ICT Vision for teaching and learning in Public Schools 2020-202416
Utilising technology to provide responsive schooling options that personalise learning to individual students, their capabilities and their aspirations.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Strategy 2020-202417
This ICT strategy focuses on the foundation technologies and ICT services that deliver connected professional autonomy - to all public schools, and in our work of supporting schools.
Strategic directions 2020-202418
Every student, every classroom, every day. Strategic directions for public schools 2020–2024.