Triple P

Get support, information and tips to give your child the best start in life. Attend a free seminar near you, or talk to your school about how they can provide a free seminar for your school community.

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Triple P

Our free Triple P seminars give you simple, practical strategies to help you raise a happy and confident child.

Children thrive when they are raised in a nurturing environment. The Triple P - Positive Parenting Program gives parents and carers ideas and strategies to help their child develop the skills and behaviours they need for a healthy childhood.

There's a variety of topics available for parents and carers of both children and teenagers that are packed with ideas to help you give your child the best start in life.

Parents love Triple P

“It’s great to hear information on how to navigate through the complexities of parenting and if anything, find comfort in what you are doing right and some handy tips on what you can try next. Thank you.”

“Thanks, great seminar, really practical advice that we can start implementing straight away.”

“The course was just great. Even with the COVID-19 crisis, the Webex meeting was just as effective as usual.”

+Attend a free seminar near you

Attend a free seminar near you

Seminar 1, ‘The Power of Positive Parenting’, is provided free of charge to parents of children across Western Australia.

Our free seminars are held in schools, Child and Parent Centres and community venues across Western Australia, as well as from home by Webex videoconference.

Attend a seminar near you and learn proven strategies from trained facilitators to:

  • raise happy, confident children
  • manage misbehaviour so everyone in the family enjoys life
  • set rules and routines that everyone respects
  • encourage behaviour you like
  • take care of yourself as a parent.

Take advantage of this incredible opportunity. Register for your free seminar at the Triple P Parenting in Western Australia website1.

Further free seminars and discussion groups are also available for parents of young children and teenagers. If you prefer, you can register for free self-directed online courses accessed directly through the Triple P website2.

+Attend a session at your local school

Attend a session at your local school

We support all public schools to host free Triple P seminars at their school, a Child and Parent Centre or other community venue, so that every Western Australian family has the opportunity to benefit from this positive parenting program.

Schools are supported to host in-person events in line with current health advice, or host over the internet by Webex video conference.

Talk to your school about how they can host a free Triple P seminar for your community.

Positive Parenting Program

Positive Parenting Program

“When children grow up in a positive, loving, safe, consistent and low-conflict environment, with clear boundaries and limits, they are more likely to succeed at school, in relationships and in life.” Professor Matt Sanders, Founder, Triple P – Positive Parenting Program

Find out more

Promotional resources

Promotional resources