Graduate Teacher Induction Program
Graduate Teacher Induction Program
One of the benefits of starting your career in public schools is that we support you during the transition from university to work. We will help you to build your teaching skills and confidence.
Our Graduate Teacher Induction Program has been designed to meet your needs as an early career teacher and is the only one of its kind in WA.
Our program offers you:
- 12 sessions with a trained teaching and learning coach for one-on-one support in your first year of teaching
- 4 professional learning modules to help you self-reflect and set up strong professional networks
- a school induction and a school mentor, to help you become part of the local school community
- time away from your classroom for professional learning
- transition to full registration with the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia.
We also offer the program on a pro-rata basis, for graduates on part-time contracts.
For details on the program, phone 9402 62991 or email