3. Staffing

Appendix 3



‘Primary’ denotes Kindergarten to Year 6 and ‘Secondary’ spans Years 7 to 12 unless specified otherwise.



Figure A5: Organisational chart at 30 June 2021

An organisational chart showing the Department's structure. For further details, please download our accessible Word version available under ‘Download the annual report’.



Table A23: School-based teaching staff(a) by education category(b) and gender 2021

Education category Female Male Total numbers
N % N %
Primary 10,250 84.2 1,917 15.8 12,167
Secondary 5,198 60.9 3,343 39.1 8,541
Education support 731 83.6 143 16.4 874
Total 16,179 75.0 5,403 25.0 21,582

Source: System and School Performance
(a) Full-time equivalents at Semester 1 student census including teachers at community kindergartens. Based on counting method used for National Schools Statistics Collection that does not include staff on extended leave.
(b) Staff apportioned to education category based on proportion of students in each education category.




Table A24: Teacher retirements and resignations 2016 to 2020

                            2016 2017 2018 2019 2020  
Retirement 542 566 550 556 541
Resignation 622 597 586 604 622

Source: Workforce