Aset Penerbit

Students Online in Public Schools Policy


1. Policy statement

The Department of Education (the Department) provides online services to students in public schools only for learning-related activities and makes every reasonable effort to educate and protect students from exposure to inappropriate online material and activities.

2. Policy rules

Site Managers must:

  • communicate the requirements of this policy and procedures to any staff involved with the provision of online services for learning-related activities;
  • only grant access to Department online services after receiving an Acceptable Use Agreement signed by the student and/or parent (for students under 18 years of age) or by the student (18 years and older);
  • issue and maintain student passwords in accordance with the Information Communication Technologies Security policy;
  • confirm students have received education about the risks and their responsibilities accessing the Department’s online services and associated online activities;
  • provide appropriate supervision for students using online services for learning-related activities on school sites;
  • take appropriate action in accordance with the Student Behaviour in Public Schools Policy and Procedures where there is a breach of acceptable use; and
  • apply the requirements of this policy and procedures when using Third Party Service Providers.

3. Responsibility for implementation and compliance

Principals and College Managers are responsible for implementing the policy.

Line Managers are responsible for compliance monitoring.

4. Scope

This policy applies to Site Managers.


6. Definitions

Department services including, but not limited to, email, calendar, instant messaging, web conferencing, discussion groups, online file sharing and storage, learning management systems, internet access and web browsing that may be accessed using the computer networks and services of the Department.

Content that is considered unsuitable or harmful to students. It includes material that is pornographic, racist, sexist, inflammatory, threatening, hateful, obscene or abusive in nature or which promotes or encourages illegal activities or violence.

School activities that are part of the planned class and/or whole school education of a child.

In relation to a child, a person who at law has responsibility for the long term care, welfare and development of the child; or the day-to-day care, welfare and development of the child.

Officers, including Principals, Line Managers and Residential College Managers, who have responsibility for overall management of any Department site.

Persons appointed by the Director General pursuant to section 235 of the School Education Act 1999 and consisting of the following classes:

  • School administrators (principals and those as listed in regulation 127 of the School Education Regulations 2000);
  • Teachers other than school administrators;
  • Any other class as prescribed in regulation 127A of the School Education Regulations 2000.
  • Education assistants’ (government) general agreement 2016
  • Public Service and Government Officers General Agreement 2014  

Third Party Service Providers of online applications are any organisations, consultants, or independent contractors who render an online service or product to the Department/ Schools. 

7. Related documents

8. Contact information

Policy manager:              

Manager, Capability Support

Policy contact officer:       

Principal Project Officer


T: (08) 9264 4774



ICT Customer Services Centre

T: (08) 9264 5555 (metro)

T: 1800 012 828 (regional)


9. History of changes

Effective date Last update date Policy version no.
18 March 2008 1.0
Minor (non- mandatory) changes: D12/0433369. Effective date corrected from 18 March 2010 to 18 March 2008.
18 March 2008 12 July 2012 1.1
Minor changes to policy in preparation for new student email service as per D12/0433369.
18 March 2008 28 May 2013 1.1
Minor (non- mandatory) change: Appendix F: Permission to publish student’s work or images of student on web sites removed. Noted by Corporate Executive 17 May 2013.
28 October 2014 2.0
Students Online Policy and Guidelines endorsed by Director General on 19 September 2014.
28 October 2014 27 August 2015 2.1
Updated and removed links. D15/0341833
28 October 2014 27 October 2017 2.2
Minor corrective changes and update to links.
28 October 2014 5 October 2018 2.3
Minor changes to include reference to Public Schools D18/0151652 and updated legislation links D18/0207680.
19 March 2019 3.0
This policy has undergone a major review. Approved by the Director General at Corporate Executive on 20 February 2019.
19 March 2019 14 October 2022 3.1
Minor update to Contact details – D22/0762304

10. More information

Policy review date

19 March 2022

Policy last updated

14 October 2022