Bilah Pencarian
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Pencarian Hasil
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The Department of Education manages a breach of Standards claims in accordance with the Public Sector Management (Breaches of Public Sector Standards) Regulations 2005 and in compliance with the requirements of the Commissioner's Instructions: Employment Standard and Filling a Public Sector Vacancy.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2022-02-15
The Grievance Framework provides resolution options, processes and resources to address employee grievances.
Document Type: Framework
Effective Date: 2017-02-01
The Department of Education recognises and supports the diverse needs of all students. This policy is to establish school processes to identify, provide for, monitor and report on students who may be at educational risk.
Document Type: Procedure
The Curriculum Assessment and Reporting in Public Schools Policy and Procedures set out the requirements that schools need to meet in planning their curriculum, assessment and reporting practices. The Policy and Procedures are aligned to the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline.
Document Type: Procedure
The policy details the responsibilities of Department staff in relation to the creation and maintenance of records, whether in paper or electronic format. It highlights the penalties for non-compliance with the State Records Act 2000.
Document Type: Procedure
All of the Department's delegations are contained within the Delegations database.
Document Type: Delegation
Effective Date: 2024-07-01
The Curriculum Assessment and Reporting in Public Schools Policy and Procedures set out the requirements that schools need to meet in planning their curriculum, assessment and reporting practices. The Policy and Procedures are aligned to the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2019-02-26
Information and communication technologies are provided by the Department to enable employees and authorised third parties to satisfactorily perform their duties. It is recognised that the associated information, physical equipment, infrastructure and software is at risk of accidental or intentional loss, unauthorised manipulation or unauthorised disclosure. This policy authorises security controls to address those risks.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2022-08-09
This policy provides the mandatory framework for school decision making about promoting and maintaining positive student behaviour, as well as responding to student misconduct.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2023-07-17
These protocols detail requirements in relation to politicians visiting schools during election campaigns.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2019-03-07
The policy outlines the responsibilities of all employees relating to alcohol and other drugs in Department schools and workplaces and is underpinned by the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 and related staff and student duty of care obligations.
Document Type: Procedure
Criminal history screening is the process of gathering relevant information to assist in making an informed decision about a person’s suitability for employment or continued employment with the Department.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2020-09-01
School facilities can be made available for community use. Applications must be approved by the principal and formalised by an agreement signed by the principal and a representative of the user group.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2020-12-03
The policy outlines the responsibilities of all employees relating to alcohol and other drugs in Department schools and workplaces and is underpinned by the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 and related staff and student duty of care obligations.
Document Type: Procedure
This policy determines the provision and administration of housing for Department of Education employees deployed to a regional location.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2018-12-11
Template to Internation Excursions for WA Department of Education commitment to provide a safe environment and appropriate accommodation for billeted students
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2021-02-16
This Template is used for International Excursions for Application for Approval.
Document Type: Guideline
This Template is used for Interstate Excursions for Proposal.
Document Type: Guideline
This Template is used for Interstate Excursions for Department of Education Student Travel Cover Summary and Parent Information.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2021-02-16
This policy sets out the requirements of the Department of Education for the development and approval of policies, procedures and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) directives
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2012-11-16
Department Online Services for Parents Terms of Use
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2022-06-15
Template related to Principals Guide to Bushfires
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2022-10-27
Excursions in Public Schools Policy Approved Providers Register
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2022-11-11
School visits/study tours by overseas students are undertaken for the purpose of meeting Australian students, teachers and other professional educators as part of educational and cultural programs.
Document Type: Legacy-policy
Effective Date: 2001-05-01
These guidelines support the intent of the School Education Act 1999 and assist staff with the provision of religious education in public schools at the local level.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2015-11-17
Provides advice on the installation of shade in general, including shade sails.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2011-09-12
The Family and Domestic Violence Guidelines provide information on additional leave provisions, support available for employees experiencing family and domestic violence and how principals and line managers can assist employees in these circumstances.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2018-02-01
The Competency Framework for Teachers remains a source of reference whilst schools transition to the mandated use of Australian Professional Standards for Teachers as the prime reference for teachers ’registration, self-reflection, professional learning, performance management and development, and recruitment.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2004-09-01
The Asbestos Management Plan, in conjunction with the mandatory on-line Asbestos Awareness Training, is designed to provide school principals, workplace managers, and other relevant staff with knowledge and understanding of asbestos containing materials in the workplace, and the capacity to respond to asbestos related issues as and when they arise.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2019-12-02
This document outlines the powers, functions and duties delegated to the Deputy Director General, Education Business Services.
Document Type: Delegation