Full STEAM ahead for Science Week

Full STEAM ahead for Science Week

18 August 2023

Events and initiatives Public school life

Students got the chance to learn about some fascinating scientific developments as Rostrata Primary School celebrated its third annual STEAM Festival.

The two-week whole-school festival coincides with National Science Week, with the 2023 school theme ‘Innovation: Powering Future Industries’. 

Rostrata Primary School students creating insect traps.

The event is aimed at highlighting the importance of STEAM in the school and community.

Students at Rostrata enjoyed presentations from five parents who are STEAM specialists in their field, including chemistry, neuroscience and engineering.

Among the cutting-edge presentations were investigating a sheep's brain, designing and making a snail habitat, looking into artificial intelligence in visual arts, learning about the science behind yeast and bread making and designing and making insect traps with help from a resident parent entomologist.

Students also experienced science shows hosted by SCITECH.

Students were able to use their problem-solving skills and creativity in a real-life context as part of insect trap making for their school garden.

“All of these ideas were in the children’s heads, and then they had to work together collaboratively to make their design,” Rostrata’s Specialist Garden Teacher Carol Wilby said. 

Rostrata Primary School Students during the festival.

“They’re out here, they know their garden well, and they work in their garden every two weeks, so it is a real problem.” 

National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology, taking place every August.

More than 1,000 events take place around Australia, delivered by schools, universities, libraries, museums and science centres.

The 2023 school theme ‘Innovation: Powering Future Industries’ explores advances in technology in all industries, from artificial intelligence through to agriculture, transport and space.

For more information, visit the National Science Week website1.