Making change
Making change
26 October 2023
A school Containers for Change program that prepares students with a disability for the workplace has taken out an award for its efforts in the fight against landfill.
Kensington Secondary School, which supports students with special educational needs, was named Change Maker of the Year and School of the Year at the 2023 Change Maker Awards in recognition of its Containers for Change initiative.
Kensington Secondary School won Change Maker of the Year and School of the Year at the 2023 Change Maker Awards.
The awards celebrate the achievements of refund point operators, community groups, businesses, schools, and individuals who have taken the lead in helping Western Australians save over 2.5 billion containers from landfill.
At Kensington Secondary School, the collection, sorting, storing and delivery of these containers has become integral to the school’s work readiness and work experience programs.
Kensington Secondary School acting principal Adrian Piers said the program teaches students about business, maths, independence, teamwork, community partnerships and the environment, while also helping with sensory needs and lowering levels of stress and anxiety.
“Containers for Change has directly benefited our students in so many ways,” he said.
“From humble beginnings in 2020, we have progressed our Containers for Change program into a fast-paced growing business, supporting our students to engage in a plethora of curriculum activities and learn about workplace expectations, while saving the environment one container at a time
“This has now become a whole-school approach, where everyone plays a part in our onsite Containers for Change.
“To date we have collected, sorted, and counted a staggering 88,980 containers.”