Public school students best in WA
Public school students best in WA
21 December 2022
In the news Reward and recognition
Two outstanding WA public school students – one who will study medicine, the other who has plans to set up his own business – have received the state’s peak academic award for their Year 12 achievements.
The Beazley Medal, which recognises WA’s top two students, was today awarded to Perth Modern School graduate Jessica Doan and Ashton Fowler from Harrisdale Senior High School in a ceremony at Government House.Students from public, Catholic and independent schools are eligible for the medal, named after Kim Edward Beazley, a former teacher and Federal Minister for Education.
2022 Beazley Medallists Ashton Fowler and Jessica Doan with Director General of Education Lisa Rodgers.
Jessica was awarded the Beazley Medal: WA Certificate of Education (WACE) for the highest examination marks across five ATAR courses in Year 12.
Jessica received A grades across all her Year 11 and 12 courses and was Dux of her school. She is looking forward to studying medicine next year.
Jessica also took home subject awards in chemistry, mathematics methods and mathematics specialist.
Ashton won the Beazley Medal: Vocational Education and Training (VET) based on his outstanding Year 12 performance in a VET program.
He achieved a Certificate IV in Business, a Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start), a Certificate II in Sport and Recreation and a Certificate II in Sport Coaching.
Ashton completed his pre-apprenticeship while at school and has already secured an apprenticeship in electrotechnology. He has plans to set up his own business in the future.
Western Australian Governor Chris Dawson hosted the ceremony.
“I congratulate the 2022 Beazley Medal winners and the whole 2022 Year 12 cohort for their hard work and commitment across the year and throughout their education journey,” he said.
“Ashton and Jessica have followed different education paths, yet both are shining examples of excellence in how they have applied themselves and what they have achieved, whether that be as a Beazley Medallist VET or a Beazley Medallist WACE.
“I wish them every success in what’s to come as they continue along their career or education pathway.”