Office and school operations
Office and school operations
School administration roles are busy, dynamic and varied. In addition to these positions, we have roles that focus on supporting school systems, such as the library and information communication technology systems.
Managers corporate services
Managers corporate services look after the day-to-day financial and human resources aspects of school operations. They are also often the line manager of some specialist, corporate and support staff, such as school officers, cleaners and gardeners. In this role, you will help the school principal make sure the school meets its strategic, operational and financial objectives.
School officers
School officers provide general clerical and administrative services to help schools run efficiently. Some schools have human resource officers or finance and administration officers who provide specialised support.
Library officers
Library officers maintain the resources and environment of school resource centres to support student learning outcomes. An important part of the role is to promote a love of reading to students and the broader school community.
Information and communications technologies (ICT) support
ICT support roles include technical support officers, network support officers and network administrators. As an ICT support staff member, you will provide training and advice to staff and students as well as maintain information technology systems, the school network and equipment. An important part of your role is ensuring software licensing and copyright obligations are protected and report any breaches.
Career opportunities and progression
There are many professional roles central to the daily operation of a school.
When you are appointed to one of our roles, we will provide you with training relevant to your role as a gardener, cleaner, school library officer, finance officer or information and communications technologies officer.
Our Leadership Institute provides training for emerging, aspirant, newly appointed and accomplished managers corporate services.