Schools Clean Energy Technology Fund

Schools Clean Energy Technology Fund

The $44.6 million Schools Clean Energy Technology Fund demonstrates our commitment to renewable electricity and will reduce school’s energy costs and carbon emissions.

Funding is for the installation of new energy technologies in public schools over 4 years, including more rooftop solar systems. This investment supports the existing Solar Schools Program and the trial Virtual Power Plant battery program.

The Schools Clean Energy Technology Fund (SCETF) provides STEM learning opportunities for students and teachers to gain new skills and understand the benefits of renewable energy and technologies.

The fund aligns with the Western Australian Climate Policy1.

For more information about the launch of the fund, read the Blueprint unveiled for future-proof green energy schools WA government media statement2.

Current round

WA public schools were invited to apply for round 4. Applications have now closed.

The recipients were announced on 1 November 2024. Find more information in the More schools to receive clean energy upgrades WA government media statement3.

Previous rounds and programs

Read more about the round 1 recipients and Virtual Power Plant stage 2 recipients in the More schools turn green with clean energy and solar WA government media statement4.

Read more about the round 2 recipients in the Clean energy funding helps 96 more public schools turn green WA government media statement5.

Read more about the round 3 recipients in the More WA schools go greener with clean energy upgrades WA government media statement6.

Read more about the Solar Schools stage 2 recipients in the Broome North Primary School first of 28 new solar schools WA government media statement7.

Environmental, Social and Governance Information Pack

Find the WA government's key policy commitments and actions to improve social and environmental outcomes in the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Information Pack8.

The pack demonstrates the WA government’s commitment to achieving the Paris Agreement objective of net zero emissions by 2050.

It also reinforces the importance of supporting Australia’s pursuit of the United Nations sustainable development goals.