Primary and secondary schools

Primary and secondary schools

Generally, students in Western Australia attend primary school and then secondary school. Depending on the needs of the community, some of our schools cater for both primary and secondary-aged children.

Our teachers specialise in primary or secondary education, although teachers may teach both primary and secondary students in district high schools.

Primary schools  
Primary schools cater for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. The size of the school and the number of schools varies across geographical regions.

Senior high schools 
Senior high schools cater for students in Years 7 to 12 and range in size from less than 200 students to over 1000 students. Teachers mostly specialise in one learning area, working with their colleagues in a department led by the head of the learning area. Staff work together to improve student outcomes both in learning areas and in whole-of-school approaches including Aboriginal education, literacy, behaviour management and attendance.   

District high schools 
District high schools cater for students from Kindergarten to Year 10. These schools range in size from less than 100 students to over 800 students. Secondary teachers in smaller district high schools teach in 2 or more learning areas. Staff work together to improve student outcomes through whole-of-school approaches as well as on school and community activities and events.
Kindergarten to Year 12 schools 
We have 5 Kindergarten to Year 12 (K-12) schools. These are in Carnarvon, Kununurra, Laverton, Merredin and Mt Barker. 

You can find information about each of our schools on Schools Online1.