Recognition of teaching experience and qualifications
Recognition of teaching experience and qualifications
Once you're employed with us, you can apply for a higher salary based on prior teaching experience or as a 5-year trained teacher.
Our staff can apply online through our intranet. We assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.
We reserve the right to determine whether we will award a higher salary.
Recognition of prior teaching service
We may recognise previous service if your experience isn’t in a school teaching role. For example:
- TAFE and university lecturers
- teachers in alternative schools
- childcare workers.
You need to provide statements of service showing your work history. The statement needs to include the:
- job title
- name of the employer
- start and end date of employment
- we only recognise full years of continuous service, not casual work
- work capacity or full-time equivalent (FTE)
- start and end date of any unpaid leave
- if you didn’t take unpaid leave, your statement must say so.
If the name on your statement is different to the name in our records, you’ll also need to provide a copy of your marriage certificate or change of name document.
We cannot assess payslips, references, resumes, employment contracts or registration documents.
Recognition as a 5-year trained teacher
You must have completed at least 5 years of full-time study or the part-time equivalent to apply.
You need to submit a copy of:
- all qualifications and certificates
- full academic transcripts with course completion dates.
We cannot consider your application without these documents.