Review of non-government school registration decisions
Review of non-government school registration decisions
Certain decisions made by the Minister for Education or the Director General may be reviewed if the school applies to the Minister.
These decisions are to:
- refuse to make an advance determination
- refuse to register a non-government school
- refuse to renew a non-government school’s registration
- refuse an application for registration change
- impose or change a condition
- give a direction
- cancel the registration of a non-government school.
The governing body of a non-government school must apply for a review within 20 calendar days of receiving written notice of the decision, usually by email. The application must be made on the Review of decision form1.
The application must address the reasons given for the decision.
The Minister refers all applications for review to the Non-Government School Registration Advisory Panel. The Panel must give the applicant the opportunity to be heard. After examining the matter, the Panel makes a recommendation to the Minister.
The Minister may confirm, vary or reverse the Panel’s recommendation.
The Minister provides a copy of the Panel’s report to the school’s governing body.
If you have any questions about this process, contact:
Manager Projects and Initiatives
Asset Publisher
Review of non-government school registration decision form1
Use this form to seek a review of a decision by the Minister for Education or the Director General.