Students send heartfelt messages

Students send heartfelt messages

15 September 2021

Public school life

Year 4 students from Mount Hawthorn Primary School created dozens of handmade cards of their favourite animals and locations to welcome refugee children from Afghanistan to Western Australia.

Mother Sarah Bolitho with daughter Kara and class teacher Alison Jesson.

Parent Sarah Bolitho decided she wanted to do something positive after watching recent news reports and contacted the Red Cross to discuss if the welcome cards could be distributed to arriving refugees.

Ms Bolitho then contacted her daughter’s Year 4 teacher, Alison Jesson, to see if she would be interested in helping with the small project. Mount Hawthorn Primary School staff were keen to be involved as creating the cards embodied their school motto “Together Towards the Future.”

“On the same day I contacted Mrs Jesson she arranged time in the class schedule for each child in to make a card. The cards were beautiful - handmade, heart-felt, colourful and welcoming. I was able to deliver more than 50 cards to the Red Cross," Ms Bolitho said.

Welcome cards designed by Year 4 students at Mount Hawthorn Primary School.

The class of 27 students drew pictures of animals and landmarks in Australia, writing about their drawing and including fun facts that they wanted to share. The students also wrote personal messages to the children and families, welcoming them to Australia.

The small project was an overwhelming success, with more than 50 cards being delivered to the Red Cross where they will be put into care packages for the families.

Mount Hawthorn Primary School Principal Dale Mackesey said he was proud of the students' effort.

“We really believe in taking opportunities for our students to give back to the wider community,” he said.

“We are so fortunate to live in one of the safest locations in the world and it important we welcome refugees from locations that are not so safe.”