Students from country WA
Students from country WA
Children from country Western Australia with exceptional abilities have access to Gifted and Talented programs.
Children who want to participate in a Gifted and Talented Academic, Arts or Languages Secondary Selective program have access to a range of options:
- participate in the Selective Academic Program Online1
- attend Bunbury Senior High School2 or Albany Senior High School3, our regional schools
- study in Perth and board at City Beach Residential College4
study in Albany and board at Albany Residential College5 (students must live outside Albany).
Students in regional Western Australia are not required to travel to Perth for testing. They will be allocated a testing venue within their education region based on the location of their current school.
Country testing is coordinated by regional assessment coordinators who organise venues based on the location of students in their region. For more information phone the Gifted and Talented Selection Unit on (08) 9264 43076 or email
Selective Academic Program Online
If you live in country Western Australia, your child can apply for the Selective Academic Program Online. Using computer links and innovative technology, your child can access the program without moving to Perth.
A coordinator based at Perth Modern School manages the online program. The programs offered are Mathematics, Science, English, and Humanities and Social Sciences.
If your child will attend a public secondary school in a regional area (outside of Bunbury or Albany), they will be able to access the online program.
Selection into these programs is based on the results of the Academic Selective Entrance Test (ASET).
For more information about the Selective Academic Program Online, visit the GT online website8, email or call (08) 9392 6818.10
Residential colleges
Country students offered a Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective program placement are able to apply to board at City Beach Residential College11 or Albany Residential College.5
The Gifted and Talented Boarding Allowance is also available to those who do not qualify for:
- the Australian Government Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
- a State Government Boarding Away from Home allowance.
In 2024, the Gifted and Talented Boarding Allowance is valued at up to $1,389 a year.
To find out more, contact:
- City Beach Residential College12 by phone on (08) 9237 750013 or email
- Albany Residential College15 by phone on (08) 9842 100716 or email