Boarding life

Boarding life

We offer your child a welcoming and nurturing home away from home while living in a rural community.

Albany Residential College boarders at the local skateparkAs a boarding student, your child can live and study with other young people from the Great Southern region and beyond. They will attend one of 6 local secondary schools and have the chance to enjoy the wonderful recreational and sporting amenities in Albany.

+Academic support

Student sitting at desk, readingWhether your child is preparing for entry into university, another tertiary or training institution, or the workforce, students are provided with high-level educational support while boarding at Albany Residential College.

Your child will be supported by qualified supervisors who guide and encourage students in their academic, sporting and social lives. Our supervisors work closely with the teaching and support staff at our local secondary schools, discussing strategies to enable continuity in your child’s academic and social development.

Students have access to supervised study nights 5 times a week and tutoring 2 nights a week. Other options for private tutoring and group study to support your child’s progress are also available. Students are provided with internet access and comprehensive learning resources and are encouraged to make the most of their study time.

Boarding supervisor talking with students seated around a table

+Pastoral care

Albany Residential College boarders having fun on themed Troppo nightAlbany Residential College is home to 61 students from surrounding country towns. Much like home, your child will feel safe in the college environment where we foster a culture of respect, tolerance, and inclusion. Each child in the college feels supported as we invest time and resources to meet their individual social and emotional needs.

Our supervisors develop strong relationships with students and ensure each child has a sense of respect and fairness. Supervisors are available to students at any time. It is important to our staff that your child has a positive and happy experience at the college.

+Health and wellbeing

Delicious meals are served at Albany Residential CollegeBeing physically and mentally healthy is important for your child to do well at school. To ensure they can reach their potential, we help to support them to live healthy lifestyles. We ensure they eat and sleep well, maintain a routine and have plenty of opportunities to exercise and be active. We also help them to access any health services they may need during their stay. 

At Albany Residential College, we provide 3 meals a day plus afternoon tea and supper. Our menu includes a variety of healthy home-style meals and provides for students with dietary needs. We have a 5-week menu rotation which ensures the meals are varied. Our meal plans are in line with the Fresh School Nutrition Advisory Program, FreshSNAP1

You can refer to our Term 1 menu2.

We encourage students to be active and participate in group activities. Some of our students play for local cricket and football clubs. Others practice taekwondo or go to army cadets.

You can be assured that your child will be well looked after if they are unwell. We have 2 sick bays on site and general practitioners in town, while Albany Hospital is located nearby. Our supervisors are fully trained in first aid and are on campus 24 hours a day.

Fun balance board activity organised by our Albany Residential College boarding supervisors Happy student serving food at Albany Residential College Albany Residential College boarder at the local skate-park Albany Residential College supervisors organised a fun balance-board activity


Albany Residential College boarders out for a walk to the beach lookoutAlbany is the perfect place for your child to enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle. There are beautiful beaches nearby, a large leisure centre with swimming pools, indoor courts and a recreation centre, and a skate park. 

Our supervisors take students on town leave, visits to the cinema and college camps to provide relaxing time away from study.

As the college is adjacent to Albany Senior High School, the students can use the school oval and courts after school and on the weekends. They play games with their friends and they’re encouraged to participate in activities organised by our supervisors.

Slip 'n' slide at Albany Residential College Albany Residential College boarders playing volleyball School basketball courts are next door to Albany Residential College

+Support for students

Pic of boy sitting in front of a mural of an outstretched handSome students may feel homesick when they board away from home. This usually happens when they first arrive and are settling in. We encourage students to speak with supervisors about their feelings or phone home for a chat. Supervisors also try to help students make new friends and feel more at home.

If your child has something on their mind and they would like to speak to someone other than a supervisor, parent or carer, they can seek support from the:

  • Kids Helpline3
  • school psychologist
  • school chaplain
  • school nurse.

If you or your child has any concerns about the residential college, please speak with the college manager. If a student has any concerns they feel they cannot raise with the college manager, they can email

 Albany Residential College boarders patting a horse at the WA College of Agriculture Denmark Open Day 2 Albany Residential College boarders making peace signs One of our Albany Residential College boarders with an inflatable palm tree Girls enjoying a baking activity

Check out Albany Residential College

Application for enrolment is open

Application for enrolment is open

Find out how to apply to board at Albany Residential College.

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