1. Student enrolment

Appendix 1


In the following tables, ‘Primary’ includes Kindergarten to Year 6 students and ‘Secondary’ includes Year 7 to 12 students (unless specified otherwise).


Table A1: Students at Western Australian schools by sector 2020 to 2024(a)

  Year     Public schools     Non-government schools     Total  
2020 317,368 149,949 467,317
2021 319,574 154,154 473,728
2022 318,332 157,864 476,196
2023 322,294 162,556 484,850
2024 326,286 167,840 494,126

(a) Semester 1 student census. Primary and full‑time secondary students. Public schools include community kindergartens. Non‑government schools include independent preschools.
Source: System and School Performance



Table A2: Schools and students in Western Australia by sector and subgroup 2024(a)(b)

Sector Schools Students
All Female Male Aboriginal
Public 831 326,286 156,474 169,562 29,514
Non-government 315 167,840 84,565 83,183 6,212
Total 1,146 494,126 241,039 252,745 35,726

(a) Semester 1 student census. Primary and full‑time secondary students. Public schools include community kindergartens.
(b) All includes gender category ‘Other’.
Source: System and School Performance



Table A3: Students at Western Australian schools by year level and sector 2024(a)

  Year level     Public schools     Non-government schools     Total  
Pre-Kindergarten 2,011 2,011
Kindergarten 22,969 9,131 32,100
Pre-primary 25,265 9,547 34,812
Year 1 26,355 9,386 35,741
Year 2 26,680 9,851 36,531
Year 3 27,237 10,085 37,322
Year 4 26,063 10,396 36,459
Year 5 25,865 10,824 36,689
Year 6 25,810 10,983 36,793
Year 7 20,383 15,530 35,913
Year 8 20,801 15,286 36,087
Year 9 20,741 14,732 35,473
Year 10 20,758 14,248 35,006
Year 11 20,594 13,656 34,250
Year 12 16,742 12,160 28,902
Primary total 206,244 82,214 288,458
Secondary total 120,042 85,626 205,668
Grand total 326,286 167,840 494,126

(a) Semester 1 student census. Primary and full‑time secondary students. Public schools include community kindergartens. Totals include ungraded students.
Source: System and School Performance



Table A4: Students at Western Australian public schools by level of education and subgroup 2024(a)(b)

Level of education All Female Male Aboriginal
Primary 206,244 99,204 107,016 18,610
Secondary 120,042 57,270 62,546 10,904
Total 326,286 156,474 169,562 29,514

(a) Semester 1 student census. Primary and full‑time secondary students. Includes community kindergartens.
(b) All includes gender category ‘Other’.
Source: System and School Performance



Table A5: Western Australian public schools and students by school type and level of education 2024(a)

School type Schools Students
Primary Secondary Total
Community kindergarten 17 468 0 468
Primary(b) 576 192,616 622 193,238
District high 53 7,337 3,955 11,292
Kindergarten–Year 12(c) 6 1,929 1,917 3,846
Secondary 113 0 111,675 111,675
Education support(d) 64 3,789 1,851 5,640
Specialist services(e) 2 105 22 127
Total 831 206,244 120,042 326,286

(a) Semester 1 student census. Primary and full‑time secondary students.
(b) Includes schools of the air and remote community schools.
(c) Includes School of Isolated and Distance Education.
(d) Includes language development school and centres.
(e) Comprises School of Special Educational Needs: Behaviour and Engagement and School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory.
Source: System and School Performance



Table A6: Students at Western Australian public schools by year level 2020 to 2024(a)

Year level 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Kindergarten 25,060 24,263 23,661 23,242 22,969
Pre-primary 25,785 26,535 25,654 25,694 25,265
Year 1 26,130 25,909 26,538 26,425 26,355
Year 2 26,197 26,018 25,744 26,941 26,680
Year 3 25,427 26,049 25,786 25,955 27,237
Year 4 25,288 25,095 25,618 25,880 26,063
Year 5 24,777 24,899 24,602 25,574 25,865
Year 6 24,227 24,503 24,597 24,735 25,810
Year 7 21,594 20,892 20,330 20,550 20,383
Year 8 20,854 21,413 20,696 20,556 20,801
Year 9 19,663 20,655 21,111 20,724 20,741
Year 10 18,760 19,548 20,289 21,111 20,758
Year 11 18,288 18,286 18,363 19,380 20,594
Year 12 15,235 15,470 15,272 15,496 16,742
Primary total 202,891 203,271 202,200 204,446 206,244
Secondary total 114,477 116,303 116,132 117,848 120,042
Grand total 317,368 319,574 318,332 322,294 326,286

(a)  Semester 1 student census. Primary and full‑time secondary students. Includes community kindergartens. Totals include ungraded students.
Source: System and School Performance



Table A7: Proportion (%) of students by geolocation of Western Australian public schools by level of education 2024(a)(b)

  Geolocation(c)       Primary     Secondary All  
Metropolitan 77.9 77.6 77.8
Inner regional 8.0 8.6 8.2
Outer regional 6.8 7.5 7.1
Remote 4.6 3.9 4.3
Very remote 2.8 2.4 2.6

(a) Semester 1 student census. Primary and full‑time secondary students. Includes community kindergartens.
(b) Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.
(c) Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian Statistical Geography Standard, based on location of students’ schools.
Source: System and School Performance



Table A8: Western Australian public schools and students by education region and level of education 2024(a)

Education region Schools Students
Primary Secondary Total
   North Metropolitan 253 76,275 44,491 120,766
   South Metropolitan 273 87,114 49,458 136,572
Total 526 163,389 93,949 257,338
   Goldfields 38 5,386 2,756 8,142
   Kimberley 23 3,307 1,924 5,231
   Midwest 46 4,905 2,776 7,681
   Pilbara 29 6,470 3,121 9,591
   Southwest 100 17,480 12,262 29,742
   Wheatbelt 69 5,307 3,254 8,561
Total 305 42,855 26,093 68,948
Grand total 831 206,244 120,042 326,286

(a) Semester 1 student census. Primary and full‑time secondary students. Includes community kindergartens.
(b) Defined as all non‑metropolitan education regions.
Source: System and School Performance



Figure A1: Aboriginal students at Western Australian public schools by level of education 2020 to 2024(a)

A stacked column chart showing the number of Aboriginal public school students by primary, secondary and all. The total number of Aboriginal students has increased from 26,688 in 2020 to 29,541 in 2024. The number of Aboriginal primary students has increased from 17,250 in 2020 to 18,610 in 2024. The number of Aboriginal secondary students has increased from 9,438 in 2020 to 10,904 in 2024.

(a) Semester 1 student census. Primary and full‑time secondary students. Includes community kindergartens.
Source: System and School Performance



Table A9: Aboriginal students at Western Australian public schools by year level 2020 to 2024(a)

Year level 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Kindergarten 1,897 1,893 1,908 1,873 1,893
Pre-primary 2,151 2,224 2,271 2,290 2,255
Year 1 2,234 2,242 2,328 2,401 2,439
Year 2 2,240 2,280 2,274 2,395 2,455
Year 3 2,173 2,267 2,308 2,313 2,432
Year 4 2,218 2,201 2,277 2,340 2,390
Year 5 2,129 2,226 2,185 2,311 2,361
Year 6 2,208 2,131 2,244 2,231 2,385
Year 7 1,979 2,003 1,912 2,043 2,075
Year 8 1,958 1,994 2,074 1,967 2,091
Year 9 1,789 1,886 1,923 2,036 1,945
Year 10 1,549 1,735 1,822 1,935 1,976
Year 11 1,245 1,371 1,443 1,567 1,688
Year 12 918 877 974 1,053 1,129
Primary total 17,250 17,464 17,795 18,154 18,610
Secondary total 9,438 9,866 10,148 10,601 10,904
Grand total 26,688 27,330 27,943 28,755 29,514

(a)  Semester 1 student census. Primary and full‑time secondary students. Includes community kindergartens. Totals include ungraded students.
Source: System and School Performance



Table A10: Aboriginal students at Western Australian public schools by education region 2024(a)

Education region Aboriginal All Aboriginal students as % of all public school students
   North Metropolitan 5,827 120,766 4.8
   South Metropolitan 8,803 136,572 6.4
Total 14,630 257,338 5.7
   Goldfields 1,977 8,142 24.3
   Kimberley 3,227 5,231 61.7
   Midwest 2,546 7,681 33.1
   Pilbara 2,996 9,591 31.2
   Southwest 2,581 29,742 8.7
   Wheatbelt 1,557 8,561 18.2
Total 14,884 68,948 21.6
Grand total 29,514 326,286 9.0

(a) Semester 1 student census. Primary and full‑time secondary students. Includes community kindergartens.
(b) Defined as all non‑metropolitan education regions.
Source: System and School Performance



Table A11: Students registered to receive home education 2020 to 2024(a)(b)

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
4,116 4,562 6,151 6,466 7,325

(a) Under the School Education Act 1999 (WA), we are responsible for regulation of home education including evaluation of home education programs and educational progress of students.
(b) As at March.
Source: Schools division



Table A12: Western Australian non-government schools and students by school type and level of education 2024(a)(b)

School type Schools Students
Primary Secondary Total
Primary 139 39,867 0 39,867
Primary–secondary 129 42,347 57,665 100,012
Secondary 47 0 27,961 27,961
Total 315 82,214 85,626 167,840

(a) Semester 1 student census. Primary and full‑time secondary students.
(b) Primary includes pre‑Kindergarten students at non‑government schools.
Source: System and School Performance



Table A13: Non-government schools and students by religious affiliation of school 2023 and 2024(a)

Religious affiliation Schools Students
  2023 2024 2023 2024
No religious affiliation 55 55 8,682 8,999
Total religious affiliation 259 260 153,874 158,841
   Anglican 19 19 23,944 24,651
   Baptist 14 14 12,168 12,454
   Catholic 165 164 82,250 83,741
   Seventh Day Adventist 5 5 738 799
   Uniting Church 8 8 8,945 9,187
   Various other 48 50 25,829 28,009
Grand total 314 315 162,556 167,840

(a) Semester 1 student census. Primary and full‑time secondary students.
Source: Source: System and School Performance



Table A14: Students at Western Australian residential colleges 2020 to 2024(a)

College 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Albany 67 71 86 74 68
Broome 75 58 43 47 53
City Beach 45 47 44 47 48
Esperance 80 80 63 64 61
Geraldton 49 53 82 89 87
Merredin 37 39 32 34 32
Moora 37 42 36 30 23
Narrogin 83 68 55 42 37
Northam 14 21 23 21 16
Total 487 479 464 448 425

(a)  Semester 1 student census.
Source: Public Schools Planning