Our students

Our students

We are proud of our students and what they achieve during their time at Geraldton Residential College.

Up to 119 students aged between 11 and 18 come to our college from all over Western Australia, from as far north as Halls Creek, east to Meekatharra and south to Jurien Bay.

The college brings students' unique personalities and lifestyles together in one place, allowing them to learn and grow from each other and form life-long friendships.

We support our students to reach their full potential in secondary education, and we encourage their social and emotional development as they interact and live with their peers.

College staff connect students to the wider Geraldton community, encouraging community activity and participation to broaden students’ horizons. Our college culture is positive and respectful and encourages responsible and caring behaviour. Through our positive behaviour support program, our students also develop their social skills and are inspired to achieve their best.