Boarding life

Boarding life

Narrogin Residential College is one of Western Australia’s largest and most progressive co-educational boarding colleges.

Narrogin Residential College boarders with boarding supervisorsYour child will board in a comfortable and safe community environment with ongoing academic and pastoral care and support.

+Academic support

Narrogin Residential College boarder playing guitarWe understand the importance of ensuring your child has access to a supportive and productive study environment. We have compulsory study time in the evening from Sunday to Thursday for all students. After-school tutoring is available at the school, as well as access to private tutors.

If your child has an interest in music, private music lessons can be organised for piano, guitar and vocals. The college has a piano for practice.

Narrogin Residential College boarders writing letters to their future selves. students with piano

+Pastoral care

Narrogin supervisor with a studentWe are a progressive college and we make it our mission to provide a safe, supportive and caring environment for our boarders. Our staff actively maintains an open and direct line of communication with Narrogin Senior High School and parents.

We genuinely care about our boarders. We understand that we play an important role in supporting teenagers in the physical absence of their parents or guardians.

Supervisors do not replace the role of a parent. Instead, they form good relationships with parents or guardians, and ensure they communicate with and support students and their families.

+Health and wellbeing

Celebration Valentine's Day dinner at Narrogin Residential CollegeNarrogin Residential College provides 3 meals a day plus afternoon tea and supper.  Our menu includes a variety of healthy home-style meals and provides for students with any dietary requirements. In addition to our 5 week menu rotation, our kitchen staff also organises several themed nights throughout the year. Our meal plans are in line with the Fresh School Nutrition Advisory Program, FreshSNAP1.

For an example of the types of meals we provide, have a look at our Term 1 menu planner2.

We encourage students to be active and participate in group activities. Our boarders can play in the local competition at the Narrogin Recreation Centre or play for local cricket and football clubs. Some students practise taekwondo or go to army cadets.

You can be assured that your child will be well looked after if they are unwell. We have 2 sick bays on site and can access doctors and the nearby Narrogin Hospital.

Narrogin Residential College boarders dancing in front of the big screen in the common rec room Pizza night at Narrogin Residential College Fun with inflatables in the Narrogin Residential College pool


Narrogin Residential College masterchef competitionThe college offers a wide range of recreation activities. We have pool tables, foosball, table tennis, archery facilities, giant Connect 4, Xbox, movie nights, arts and crafts, cooking sessions, table tennis, talent night, lawn cricket, lawn waterslides and scavenger hunts. 

We also organise excursions to Perth for shopping trips, visits to Bounce Trampoline Park or Perth Zoo, ice-skating, basketball and AFL games, Wagin Woolorama and other field and agriculture shows, the movies or ten-pin bowling. 

Check out all the fun activities we have planned for this term on our Term 4 activity planner3.

Cake-decorating at Narrogin Residential College Boarders from Narrogin Residential College after a swim in the college pool Narrogin Residential College boarders enjoyed an excursion to the water slides at Outback Splash

+Support for students

Mural saying "Dream big, work hard, be kind to yourself and others and amazing things will happenSome students may feel homesick when they board away from home. This usually happens when they first arrive and are settling in. We encourage students to speak with supervisors about their feelings or phone home for a chat. Supervisors also try to help students make new friends and feel more at home.

If your child has something on their mind and they would like to speak to someone other than a supervisor, parent or carer, they can seek support from the: 

  • Kids Helpline4
  • school psychologist
  • school chaplain
  • school nurse.

If you or your child has any concerns about the residential college, please speak with the college manager. If a student has any concerns they feel they cannot raise with the college manager, they can email

Boarders playing noughts and crosses

Check out Narrogin Residential College

Application for enrolment is open

Application for enrolment is open

Find out how to apply to board at Narrogin Residential College.

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