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Incoming Sponsorship to Public Schools Policy


1. Policy statement

Incoming sponsorship to a public school is for purposes of furthering the interests of the students and educational programs of the school, and enhancing the standing of the school and its relationship with the community.

2. Policy rules

The Document for incoming sponsorship to a public school must be used for all sponsorship agreements between schools and organisations.

If the Document for incoming sponsorship to a public school is not used in its entirety the principal must obtain legal advice from the Department or State Solicitor’s Office for any amendment.  

The principal must forward a completed and signed copy (via email) of the Document for incoming sponsorship to a public school to the Manager Contract Planning and Management for registration within two weeks of the final signature.

The principal cannot agree to a sponsor’s logo being included on any items of clothing required to be worn by students.

The principal must confirm that staff members do not receive a personal benefit from Sponsorship agreements.


Under the School Education Regulations 2000 an arrangement under the value of $500 does not need to be in writing.  However, good administrative practice requires that a record of the arrangement be kept.

The limitations on arrangements under regulation 51 of the School Education Regulations 2000 specifically prohibit sponsorship arrangements from compelling or influencing students.  

Further, it is unethical to require students to personally market, promote or display products, brand names and/or logos as part of sponsorship arrangements between schools and corporate and other enterprises.  Inclusion of sponsor logos/brands on clothing required to be worn by students in particular diminishes the:

  • most prominent visual representation of the individual school and of public education across Western Australia;
  • sense of pride and belonging to a school, and the feeling of equality;
  • sense of discipline associated with upholding standards of dress and behaviour;
  • considerable investment by the community in the design of the school clothing/dress/uniform and upholding of the associated policy; and
  • importance of schools being seen as places of learning rather than as commercial enterprises.

The Sponsorship Agreement in the Document for incoming sponsorship to a public school is signed according to approved delegations (see page 10 of Document for incoming sponsorship to a public school.

3. Responsibility for implementation and compliance

Implementation of this policy in individual schools is the responsibility of the principal.

Monitoring compliance with this policy is the responsibility of the Manager Contract Planning and Management.

4. Scope

This policy applies to all principals of public schools in Western Australia.

5. Definitions

The purchase of the right to associate a sponsor’s name, products or services with a school in return for negotiated benefits. Sponsorship is an arrangement providing for a distinct two-way return of benefits.  Sponsorship is not a donation or a gift, which is a gratuitous transfer of money, goods or services to a school that places no obligation on the school to provide anything in return to the donor.

7. Contact information

Policy manager:           

Director, Communications

Policy contact officer:   

Director, Communications 

T: (08) 9264 4838

E: campaignsandprojects@education.wa.edu.au

8. History of changes

Effective date Last update date Policy version no.
30 November 2012 2.0
The policy supersedes the Sponsorship policy. Original policy split into policy and procedures documents. Approved by Corporate Executive 16 November 2012 D12/0812988
30 November 2012 2 July 2013 2.0
Guideline added to Policy Rules as per D13/0267266. Noted by Policy Subcommittee 5 June 2013 and by Corporate Executive 21 June 2013.
2 September 2014 2 September 2014 3.0
Additional policy rule and guidance relating to sponsor’s logo endorsed by Director General 25 July 2014.
12 May 2015 4.0
Amendment to policy rule endorsed by Director General at Corporate Executive on 1 April 2015.
5 July 2016 4.1
Addition of policy rule on personal benefits from Sponsorship agreements endorsed by Director General at Corporate Executive on 27 May 2016.
5 July 2016 12 September 2018 4.2
Minor changes to include reference to Public Schools D18/0151652, update legislation links D18/0207680 and restructure changes D18/0404163
5 July 2016 10 June 2024 4.3
Minor change to update contact details D24/0414252

9. More information

Supporting content

No supporting content found.

Policy review date

12 May 2018

Policy last updated

10 June 2024