

During 2023–24, an average of 44,440 full‑time equivalent (FTE) staff were employed. Of these, 56.4% were teachers, 31.8% were support staff, 6.4% were cleaners and gardeners, and 5.4% were administrative and clerical staff. School‑based staff represented 96.0% of total FTE.

For further information about our staff, refer to tables 15 to 19 and figures 3 and 4.

Our average FTE increased by 1,120 FTE (2.6%) from 2022–23, mainly due to:

  • additional school‑based staff employed due to student enrolment growth and new schools
  • higher number of special needs education assistants in mainstream schools to support an increase in the number of students eligible for the individual disability allocation.

Teacher resignations remained high in 2023. Strong labour market growth and labour shortages continued to provide alternative employment opportunities. For the number of retirements and resignations over the last 5 years, refer to Table A261.      

Staff - 2

​​​​​Table 15: Our workforce demographics(a) 2023 and 2024

Demographics 2023
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people 2.4 2.4
Culturally and linguistically diverse people 11.4 12.0
People with disability 1.2 1.2
Age profile
   People 24 years of age and under 4.7 5.2
   People 25 to 44 years of age 42.3 42.7
   People 45 years of age and over 53.0 52.1
Gender breakdown of Senior Executive Service(b)(c)
Gender breakdown of school administrators(b)(d)





(a) Data as at June of each year.
(b) No employees were recorded as Indeterminate/Intersex in these positions in June 2023 or June 2024.
(c) Employees who are members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) under section 43 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994 (WA).
(d) Defined as levels 3 to 6 under the School Education Act Employees’ (Teachers and Administrators) General Agreement 2021 (WA).
Source:  Workforce and Education Business Services, using Human Resource Minimum Obligatory Information Requirements (HRMOIR) data



​​​​​​Table 16: Staff(a) by category 2019–20 to 2023–24

Category 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22 2022–23 2023–24
Teaching(b) 23,303 23,802 24,524 24,720 25,105
Support(c) 11,944 12,454 13,004 13,432 14,125
Cleaning and gardening 2,763 3,197 2,902 2,846 2,826
Administrative and clerical(d) 2,001 2,135 2,289 2,322 2,384
Total 40,011 41,588 42,719 43,320 44,440

(a) Average financial year paid full‑time equivalent staff rounded to nearest whole number.
(b) Includes principals and deputy principals.
(c) Includes school clerical staff and education assistants.
(d) Includes staff in Public Sector Management Act 1994 (WA) positions, and teaching and other staff employed under the School Education Act 1999 (WA).
Source: Education Business Services



Table 17: Staff(a) by operational area and category 2023–24

Operational area Teaching(b) Support(c) Cleaning and gardening Administrative and clerical(d) Total
Schools 25,034 14,121 2,822 682 42,659
Central strategic and corporate services 1,563 1,563
Regional offices 71(e) 4 4 139 218
Total 25,105 14,125 2,826 2,384 44,440

(a) Average financial year paid full‑time equivalent staff rounded to nearest whole number.
(b) Includes principals and deputy principals.
(c) Includes school clerical staff and education assistants.
(d) Includes staff in Public Sector Management Act 1994 (WA) positions, and teaching and other staff employed under the School Education Act 1999 (WA).
(e) Includes Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) teachers, lead psychologists and home education moderators.
Source: Education Business Services



Table 18: School-related staff(a) by type of school and category 2023–24

Type of school Teaching(b) Support(c) Cleaning and gardening Administrative and clerical(d) Total
Community kindergarten 20 19 39
Primary(e)  13,068 7,630 1,471 25 22,194
District high 1,059 606 153 7 1,825
Kindergarten–Year 12(f) 434 171 42 44 691
Secondary 8,590 3,235 1,115 518 13,458
Education support(g) 1,044 2,230 35 49 3,358
Specialist services(h) 819 230 6 39 1,094
Total 25,034 14,121 2,822 682 42,659

(a) Average financial year paid full‑time equivalent staff rounded to nearest whole number.
(b) Includes principals and deputy principals.
(c) Includes school clerical staff and education assistants.
(d) Includes staff in Public Sector Management Act 1994 (WA) positions.
(e) Includes schools of the air and remote community schools. 
(f)  Includes School of Isolated and Distance Education.
(g) Includes language development schools and centres.
(h) Includes education services that do not directly enrol students such as camp schools, the schools of special educational needs, the School of Alternative Learning Settings, vacation swimming and Instrumental Music School Services. Residential colleges are included under Support.
Source: Education Business Services



​​​Table 19: School-based teaching staff(a) by category and education category(b)2024(c)

Category Primary Secondary Education support Total
Principal 576 172 66 814
Deputy principal 891 458 104 1,452
Head of department or program coordinator 23 1,167 12 1,201
Teacher 10,795 6,950 745 18,490
Guidance/counselling 244 129 41 414
Total 12,529 8,876 967 22,371

(a)  Full‑time equivalents at Semester 1 student census including teachers at community kindergartens. Based on counting method used for the National Schools Statistics Collection that does not include staff on extended leave.
(b) Staff apportioned to education category based on the student cohort in each school.
(c) Rows and columns may not add to totals due to rounding.
Source: System and School Performance



Figure 3: School‑based teaching staff(a) by education category(b) and female or male 2024(c)(d)(e)

A bar chart of the data presented in Table A25

(a) Full‑time equivalents at Semester 1 student census including teachers at community kindergartens. Based on counting method used for the National Schools Statistics Collection that does not include staff on extended leave.
(b) Staff apportioned to education category based on the student cohort in each school.
(c) Two staff recorded as Indeterminate/Intersex are excluded.
(d) Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
(e) For corresponding school‑based teaching staff data, refer to Table A252.
Source: System and School Performance  



Figure 4: Student–teacher ratios(a) 2019 to 2023

A column chart showing the student–teacher ratios for the primary years of school (refer to note b) to be 15.8 in 2019, 15.6 in 2020, 15.3 in 2021, 15.3 in 2022 and 15.4 in 2023. The chart also shows the student–teacher ratios for the secondary years of school to be 12.8 in 2019, 12.8 in 2020, 12.6 in 2021, 12.6 in 2022 and 12.7 in 2023.

(a) Ratios based on full‑time equivalent students and full‑time equivalent teaching staff at Semester 2.
(b) Excludes Kindergarten.
Source: System and School Performance