Anne Hamersley Primary School, Ellenbrook

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Building community relationships through sport

“Edmund Rice has provided an opportunity for not only our students, but students from our neighbouring schools to participate in sport after school. For most of the students if they didn’t attend these free of charge activities, they would not have had the means to participate in any organised after school sport. The social benefits and multicultural inclusion have proven to be of the greater achievements for participants."
Robert Guy, Acting Principal, Anne Hamersley Primary School

Anne Hamersley Primary School has worked with Edmund Rice Sports Program – Edmund Rice Centre to develop a formal agreement to use their school facilities to provide weekly sport sessions for students on the school oval.

The school was approached to provide a facility for the program and the request was approved soon after. 

“There wasn’t a lot for young people to do in the area after school hours and was seen to be of great benefit to the community”, said Acting Principal Robert Guy.

This partnership benefits students in the community by enabling them to participate in after school sport, free of charge, close to home and in a safe environment. Quality coaching and mentoring is a focus of the program and involvement of WA Police through dropping in and assisting with coaching, has helped build community relationships.

Top tips for schools and communities considering doing something similar:

  • Accept the request – it works!
  • Ensure the program is well supported and promoted to your community.
  • Involve the organisers in other initiatives and events in the school.

Read more case studies.1