Trevor Hunter


“My vision is to create a vibrant and successful secondary school with a culture of success and a comprehensive curriculum to meet the needs and interest of students.”

Trevor Hunter

Principal, Byford Secondary College

Trevor has more than 25 years’ experience in public schools.

He uses his skills and knowledge to plan, develop, implement and promote change through evidence-based decision making. His skills and attributes demonstrate his capacity to lead the complex systems which are crucial to the ongoing success of public education.

Trevor has held leadership positions at Belmont City College and Karratha Senior High School. Throughout his career, he has placed an emphasis on professional growth for himself and his staff. He is an active participant in supporting system wide reviews and innovations.

As foundation principal of Byford Secondary College, Trevor has been responsible for the creation of this new school from its planning year in 2013 to the current third stage building program. He has led the implementation of teaching and learning programs through the creation of all facets of secondary school operations.

Using the flexibilities of being an Independent Public School and in consultation with the school community, he has led the growth of the college to deliver positive learning outcomes for students.