Agricultural education

Agricultural education

The Western Australian College of Agriculture offers modern education, training programs and residential facilities for young people in Years 10, 11 and 12.

Children study a range of subjects that lead to their Western Australian Certificate of Education. They also gain vocational qualifications in agriculture and related trades including:

  • cropping
  • livestock
  • horticulture
  • viticulture
  • equine
  • aquaculture
  • building and construction
  • metals and engineering
  • furnishing
  • automotive.

The success of students is outstanding, with nearly all students gaining employment or entry to further study at university and other training providers once they graduate.

There are 5 residential campuses located near Cunderdin1, Denmark2, Harvey3, Morawa4 and Narrogin5. Each campus is located on a commercial-sized farm.

Admission is by selection through the college and parents contact the individual college to apply to enrol. There are no tuition fees however, all campuses charge fees to cover amenities, uniforms, books, course materials and other expenses. Boarding fees also apply, for students who reside at a college.

To find information on a particular college, enter “Western Australian College Of Agriculture” in the 'School Name' search bar when you visit Schools Online6