Arts programs

Arts programs

Children have the opportunity to shine in these innovative and challenging arts programs.

There are 6 schools in the metropolitan area that offer Selective Arts Programs, including an arts college. The programs offered include:

  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Media Arts
  • Music
  • Music Theatre
  • Visual Arts.

Selection into these programs is based on talent and aptitude. Applicants must sit the Academic Selective Entrance Test (ASET) and participate in workshops, auditions and interviews. 

As the program varies at each school, please visit the school’s website or contact the school for more details.


Children have the opportunity to shine in this innovative and challenging dance program. They enjoy a versatile and dynamic curriculum and have the chance to study with other selected dance students and attend classes run by professional dancers.

Performance is an important aspect of the program with regular rehearsals and performances for different audiences on local, national and international stages.

Children develop their skills in choreography and interpreting the choreography of others. They also attend a variety of professional dance performances designed to develop their critical understanding of the arts.

The dance program offers a firm foundation and children are able to pursue a career in dance. Graduates boast success on national and international stages in a wide variety of dance styles.

Participating schools:


Children have the opportunity to showcase their dramatic talents and share their creative expression with other selected students in this leading drama program.

Children develop, rehearse, produce and perform drama works for a range of audiences and purposes. They develop skills for improvisation, play building, script writing, stage management and production management.

Children have access to a purpose built theatre which allows them to apply their skills to a theatre setting. This provides learning opportunities in:

  • stage performance
  • directing
  • costumes
  • lighting
  • staging
  • set design.

Participating schools:

+Media Arts

The media arts program provides a foundation for children interested in pursuing a career in the media industry, journalism, advertising and related fields.

Children have the opportunity to develop skills in radio, film, multi-media and television media. They create, produce and analyse media products and develop their talent in video production, radio broadcasting and journalism.

Media production is an important aspect of this program where children develop and present artistic media works to a range of audiences. They also take part in excursions and participate in the filming of performance activities to enhance their understanding of media.

Participating schools:


The world of music opens up for exceptionally able children taking part in this exciting program.

Young people from across Western Australia have access to experienced teachers, music professionals who excel in their field and quality resources.

Children develop their ability and love for music through music creation analysis performance and reflection and by attending a range of professional performances.

They receive instrumental or vocal tuition and perform in choral instrumental ensembles such as concert band, orchestra, guitar or choir.

Participating Schools:

+Music Theatre

Children with a passion for music theatre enjoy a dynamic and vibrant program that combines dance, drama and music. They showcase their talents by performing in and producing a variety of performances.

Children develop their skills and love for music theatre through practical workshops and theatrical study which focus on voice, dance and drama. They receive vocal lessons and participate in performance ensembles.

Children learn the essential skills to perform on stage and behind the scenes in music theatre. They receive specialist tuition in music knowledge and theory, music theatre history and analysis, dramatic and vocal work, as well as tap and jazz dance.

Participating Schools:

+Visual Arts

Budding artists with a natural creative gift can develop their artistic abilities in this exciting visual arts program.

Children learn through a mix of visual enquiry, studio work, exhibition and critical reflection. Gallery visits, sketching tours, special art camps, studio classes and exposure to new mediums and technologies are all part of the program designed to help students achieve their potential.

Children have access to excellent resources and dynamic teachers and professionals who are leaders in their fields. They also benefit from exhibiting their own work and being actively involved with community programs.

Participating schools: