Support from your school

Support from your school

Your child’s teacher, principal and other school staff can provide support for your child to go to school.

Teachers and support staff understand how important it is for your child to learn and achieve.

They can work with you, your child and your family if you need extra support getting your child to school. They can also help you access support from your community, government agencies or community organisations.  

If you would like help, talk to your child’s teacher, year coordinator or principal about your child’s situation. If your child is in secondary school, they can also speak with student services staff. They understand there are lots of reasons why your child might not go to school. When they understand your child's unique needs, they can then provide you with specific advice and support.

Find out how you can build a good relationship 1with your child’s school so you can work together to support your child.

Support is also available from your regional office. Contact their staff2 to find out about services to support your child’s attendance.

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