Discover your future
Discover your future
There are a lot of opportunities to create a great future.
Deciding what to do when you leave school and how to get there can sometimes be challenging. You may be wondering if you should go to university, do further training or get a job.
You don’t need to have all the answers. Now is a great time to explore options. You can learn about career, study and training options at myfuture
Whatever choice you make, going to school helps you get the skills to be prepared for your next step. You can choose a range of study options and pathways to achieve the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) or access Vocational Education and Training (VET).
You can select courses and programs that:
- count towards your Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR courses) for entry to university
- prepare you for General Courses
- combine VET qualifications with industry-based work placements
- support your literacy and numeracy skills.
You can access VET through:
- a school-based program
- a TAFE College or private registered training provider (one or two days per week)
- a school-based apprenticeship, traineeship or a pre-apprenticeship (one day at a training provider and one day at work)
- Aboriginal school-based training programs available to Aboriginal students
- the School of Isolated and Distance Education if you live in remote and regional areas.