Endorsed programs for students with disability

Endorsed programs for students with disability

Select the titles to find a list of our endorsed programs for students with disability.

+Education support schools

In the metropolitan and regional areas, there are 11 education support schools1.

Education support schools
Region School Year level

Holland Street School2

Kindergarten to Year 12

North Metropolitan

Burbridge School3

Kindergarten to Year 12

North Metropolitan

Durham Road School4

Kindergarten to Year 12

North Metropolitan

Gladys Newton School5

Kindergarten to Year 12

North Metropolitan

Sir David Brand School6

Kindergarten to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Carson Street School7

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Castlereagh School8

Kindergarten to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Kensington Secondary School9

Year 7 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Kenwick School10

Kindergarten to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Malibu School11

Kindergarten to Year 12

South West

College Row School12

Kindergarten to Year 12


+Education support centres

In the metropolitan and regional areas, there are 46 education support centres1.

Education support centres
Region School Year level

Eastern Goldfields Education Support Centre13

Year 7 to Year 12


Esperance Senior High School Education Support Centre14

Year 7 to Year 12

O'Connor Education Support Centre15

Kindergarten to Year 6

North Metropolitan

Beldon Education Support Centre16

Kindergarten to Year 6

North Metropolitan Belridge Education Support Centre17

Year 7 to Year 12

North Metropolitan

Creaney Education Support Centre18

Kindergarten to Year 6

North Metropolitan

Cyril Jackson SC Education Support Centre19

Year 10 to Year 12

North Metropolitan

Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre20

Year 7 to Year 12

North Metropolitan

Joondalup Education Support Centre21

Kindergarten to Year 6
North Metropolitan

Merriwa Education Support Centre22

Kindergarten to Year 6

North Metropolitan

Mount Hawthorn Education Support Centre23

Kindergarten to Year 6

North Metropolitan

Roseworth Education Support Centre24

Kindergarten to Year 6

North Metropolitan

South Ballajura Education Support Centre25

Kindergarten to Year 6

North Metropolitan

West Coast Secondary Education Support Centre26

Year 7 to Year 12

North Metropolitan

Westminster Education Support Centre27

Kindergarten to Year 6


Cassia Education Support Centre28

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Armadale Education Support Centre29

Year 7 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Canning Vale Education Support Centre30

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Cannington Community Education Support Centre31

Year 7 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Cloverdale Education Support Centre32

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Coolbellup Learning Centre33

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

East Victoria Park Education Support Centre34

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Endeavour Education Support Centre35

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Gwynne Park Education Support Centre36

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan Halls Head Community College Education Support Centre37

Year 7 to Year 10

South Metropolitan

John Tonkin College Education Support Centre38

Year 11 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Kalamunda Primary Education Support Centre39

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Kalamunda Senior High School Education Support Centre40

Year 7 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Koorana Education Support Centre41

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Leda Education Support Centre42

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Leeming Senior High School Education Support Centre43

Year 7 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Maddington Education Support Centre44

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Meadow Springs Education Support Centre45

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Riverside Education Support Centre46

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Riverton Education Support Centre47

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Rockingham Beach Education Support Centre48

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Rockingham Senior High School Education Support Centre49

Year 7 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Warnbro Community High School Education Support Centre50

Year 7 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Wirrabirra Education Support Centre51

Kindergarten to Year 6

South West

Albany Secondary Education Support Centre52

Year 7 to Year 12

South West

Geographe Education Support Centre53

Kindergarten to Year 12

South West

Manjimup Education Support Centre54

Kindergarten to Year 12

South West

Newton Moore Education Support Centre55

Year 7 to Year 12

South West

South Bunbury Education Support Centre56

Kindergarten to Year 6

South West

Spencer Park Education Support Centre57

Kindergarten to Year 6


Avonvale Education Support Centre58

Kindergarten to Year 12


+Education support programs

In the metropolitan and regional areas, there are 20 education support programs1.

Education support programs
Region School Year level

Broome Senior High School59

Year 7 to Year 12


Cable Beach Primary School60

Kindergarten to Year 6

North Metropolitan

Aveley North Primary School61

Kindergarten to Year 6

North Metropolitan

Aveley Secondary College62

Year 7 to Year 12

North Metropolitan

Balcatta Senior High School63

Year 7 to Year 12 

North Metropolitan

Burns Beach Primary School64

Kindergarten to Year 6

North Metropolitan

Butler College65

Year 7 to Year 12

North Metropolitan

John Butler Primary College66

Kindergarten to Year 6

North Metropolitan

Swan View Senior High School67

Year 7 to Year 12

North Metropolitan

Wanneroo Secondary College68

Year 7 to Year 12


Karratha Primary School69

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan Atwell College70

Year 7 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Byford Secondary College71

Year 7 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Canning Vale College72

Year 7 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Coastal Lakes College73

Year 7 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Lakeland Senior High School74

Year 7 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Piara Waters Secondary College75

Year 7 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Pine View Primary School76

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan

Riva Primary School77

Kindergarten to Year 6

South Metropolitan Success Primary School78 Kindergarten to Year 6


+Deaf education schools, centres and programs

There are 2 secondary and one primary locations in the metropolitan area for specialised deaf education schools, centres and programs79

Deaf education schools, centres and programs
Region School Year level
North and South Metropolitan

School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory80

0 to 4 years

North Metropolitan Mosman Park School for Deaf Children81

Kindergarten to Year 6

North Metropolitan

Shenton College Deaf Education Centre82

Year 7 to Year 12

South Metropolitan

Belmont City College 83

Year 7 to Year 12

+Language development centres

In the metropolitan area, there are 5 language development centres84 located at mainstream schools.

Language development centres
Region School Year level
North Metropolitan North East Metropolitan Language Development Centre 85 As advised by principal
North Metropolitan

West Coast Language Development Centre86

As advised by principal

South Metropolitan

Fremantle Language Development Centre87

As advised by principal

South Metropolitan

Peel Language Development School88

As advised by principal

South Metropolitan

South East Language Development Centre89

As advised by principal

+Specialised learning programs for students with autism spectrum disorder

Refer to the School of Special Educational Needs: Disability website to find the specialised learning programs for students with autism spectrum disorder90.

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