Enrol at a public school
Enrol at a public school
Children from Kindergarten to Year 12 can enrol at a public school.
Your child has a guaranteed place in Kindergarten at a public school. If your child is starting Kindergarten, refer to 'How to enrol in Kindergarten'.
Children who will be 5 years old by 30 June enrol in Pre-primary, their first year of compulsory education. Many Pre-primary to Year 12 children have a guaranteed place at a public school if they live in its 'local-intake area'.
To find public schools in your local area visit Schools Online1. Search by your address and find out about nearby schools and whether you are in their local-intake area.
You can apply to the public school you would like your child to enrol at, however, they may not have a guaranteed place at that school.
If you or your child have a visa, refer to the following information for 'Enrolment options for visa holders'.
- Local-intake areas
- How to enrol in Kindergarten
- How to enrol in Pre-primary to Year 12
- Children with special educational needs
- Enrolment options for visa holders
- The early stages of learning English
Many public schools have a ‘local-intake area’. This is a boundary set around a school that may have more applications for enrolment than places available for students.
To find out if you live in the local-intake area for a particular school:
- visit Schools Online1 to search for your address and find the school
- if you live in the school’s local-intake area, your address will show inside the boundary lines or in the description on Schools Online
- contact the school directly
- contact your local education regional office2.
For information about how public school enrolments are managed, refer to our Enrolment in Public Schools policy and procedures3.
Many children enrol in Kindergarten at their local school. If your local school does not have enough places for all the Kindergarten children who apply, you may be offered a place at another school that is close to your home.
Follow our easy steps to enrol in Kindergarten.
Step 1 – Submit an application for enrolment
Contact the school to find out how to submit an application for Kindergarten.
Submit your application for enrolment. Kindergarten places are offered after enrolment applications close on the first Friday of Term 3 in the year before your child starts at Kindergarten.
If there are more Kindergarten applications than places available, the principal will apply our enrolment priorities to your enrolment application. They will notify you in writing if they can offer your child a place.
- If you or your child have a visa, refer to the tab 'Enrolment options for visa holders' for more information
- If your enrolment application is unsuccessful, the principal will explain why your child could not be offered a place and help you find a school with Kindergarten places.
Step 2 - Accept the offer of a place
The school will need to confirm that your child meets the immunisation requirements before you can accept a place and finalise your child’s Kindergarten enrolment.
You will need to provide an Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Immunisation History Statement for your child that is not more than 2 months old when you accept the offer of a place.
If your child’s immunisation status is not up-to-date, the school will provide more information about the enrolment requirements for not up-to-date children. If your child meets these requirements, they can enrol.
For more information about the immunisation requirements, visit Pre-compulsory schooling: Kindergarten4.
Step 3 - Finalise the enrolment
Your child’s enrolment at the school will be finalised if your child meets the immunisation requirements. The principal will tell you how to finalise your child’s enrolment.
You may need to provide up-to-date enrolment information including:
- any parenting plan, court order or care order that describes your child’s living arrangements
- if your child’s residential address or visa information has changed since you first applied.
For information about how Kindergarten enrolments are managed, refer to section 3.1.3 of our Enrolment in Public Schools policy and procedures3.
- If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your application, you can request a review of the principal’s decision.
- Your child’s Kindergarten enrolment ceases at the end of their Kindergarten year. Pre-primary is a new enrolment. Your child may need to enrol at a new school in Pre-primary.
Children of compulsory school age must be enrolled at school and attend every day.
In Years 11 and 12, there are alternatives to full-time schooling4.
Follow our easy steps to enrol in Pre-primary to Year 12.
If you or your child have a visa, refer to the tab 'Enrolment options for visa holders' for more information.
Step 1 – Submit an application for enrolment
Contact the school to find out how to submit an application for enrolment.
Submit your application for enrolment and ask when you can expect an outcome. Wait for the outcome of your application before applying to another school.
Tell the school if you applied for your child to enrol in a specialist program at another public school and they have not yet been offered a place. This helps the principal to plan for your child.
If a public school has a local intake area, Pre-primary to Year 12 children who live in that area can enrol at the school.
Enrolment priority at schools without a local-intake area is given to those Pre-primary to Year 12 children who live nearest to the school when the number of enrolment applications exceeds the number of places available for students.
If you have submitted a Pre-primary to Year 12 enrolment application for your child to a public school that is not their local intake school, your application will be assessed under the enrolment priorities that apply to the school.
After the principal has considered all enrolment applications, they will notify you in writing of the outcome of your application.
For more information about Pre-primary to Year 12 enrolment priorities, refer to section 3.1.4 of our Enrolment in Public Schools policy and procedures3.
- If your child is selected for a secondary Gifted and Talented program5 at one of our schools, they have a place at the school even if they live outside its local-intake area.
- If your enrolment application is unsuccessful, the principal will explain why your child could not be offered a place.
- If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your application, you can request a review of the principal’s decision.
Step 2 - Accept and finalise the enrolment
Your child’s enrolment at the school will be finalised when you accept their place. The principal will tell you how to finalise your child’s enrolment.
You may need to provide up-to-date enrolment information including:
- an Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Immunisation History Statement for your child that is not more than 2 months old (For more information about immunisation, visit HealthyWA6)
- any parenting plan, court order or care order that describes your child’s living arrangements
- if your child’s residential address or visa information has changed since you first applied.
If your child has special educational needs or a disability, they can enrol at their local public school. They may also be eligible to enrol at a school or centre that has one of our primary or secondary specialist disability programs:
- Deaf education schools, centres and programs7
- education support schools, centres or programs8
- specialist learning programs for students with autism9
- language development centres10.
Find the list of endorsed programs for students with disability11.
Find more information about enrolling your child with disability in the Enrolment framework for students with disability in public schools12.
For enrolment instructions, refer to the tabs 'How to enrol in Kindergarten' or ‘How to enrol in Pre-primary to Year 12’.
What you will be asked to provide
When you apply to enrol your child at a school provide information about:
- their educational needs
- their personal care and medical needs
- whether they have a diagnosed disability or a medical or health condition.
How your child may be supported
When your child’s enrolment is finalised, you and the school staff will talk about:
- strategies to support your child’s learning and engagement in school activities
- adjustments that may need to be provided during the school day
- how an individualised education plan could be tailored to meet their needs
- specialised equipment your child may need to support their learning
- assistance they may need to move safely around the school grounds
- assistance they may need for excursions and activities like swimming lessons
- transport to and from school, and whether your child might be eligible for assistance from School Bus Services13.
Find out more about learning and support for children with special educational needs14.
Enrol your child at a public school if they are not an Australian citizen
Enrolment options for children who are not Australian citizens depend on your or their visa details. You will need to provide evidence of the visa subclass number and status. You will also need to tell the school about changes to your or your child’s visa subclass number or conditions.
Required evidence for visa holders and enrolment instructions
Visa details | Required evidence and enrolment instructions |
You or your child hold a permanent visa subclass: 100, 102, 103, 106, 110, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 126, 132, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 143, 151, 155, 157, 175, 176, 186, 187, 189, 190, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 801, 802, 804, 835, 836, 837, 845, 855, 856, 857, 858, 861, 862, 863, 866, 880, 882, 883, 885, 886, 887, 888, 890, 892 | You will need to show that you are a permanent resident. For enrolment instructions, refer to the tabs 'How to enrol in Kindergarten' or 'How to enrol in Pre-primary to Year 12'. |
You or your child are a New Zealand citizen and hold a visa subclass 444 You or your child are related to a New Zealand citizen and hold a visa subclass 461 | You will need to provide evidence of New Zealand citizenship. For enrolment instructions, refer to the tabs 'How to enrol in Kindergarten' or ‘How to enrol in Pre-primary to Year 12’. |
You or your child hold a temporary visa subclass: 159, 163, 164, 159, 188, 300, 309, 401, 402, 403, 407, 408, 444, 445, 449, 457, 459, 461, 471, 476, 482, 485, 487, 489, 491, 494, 496, 497,785, 786, 790, 820, 945, 995, 998 | You will need to provide evidence of your temporary visa subclass number. For enrolment instructions, refer to the tabs 'How to enrol in Kindergarten' or ‘How to enrol in Pre-primary to Year 12’. |
You or your child hold a temporary visa subclass: 400, 580, 590, 600, 601, 602, 651 | To view school enrolment conditions, application process and tuition fees, refer to the TIWA website information for children who are dependants of visa holders15. |
Your child is a dependent on your 500 Student visa | To view school enrolment conditions, application process and tuition fees, refer to the TIWA website information for children who are dependants of visa holders16. |
Your child is an international student on their own 500 Student visa | To view school enrolment conditions, application process and tuition fees, refer to the TIWA website information for children with a student visa (500)17. |
You or your child have an active Bridging visa while your application for a new visa is being processed. | The enrolment conditions of your previous temporary visa will continue to apply while your new application is being processed. Find your previous temporary visa in this table and refer to the evidence required and enrolment instructions. |
You or your child made a valid application for a protection visa. | You will need to provide evidence of your application for a protection visa. Your school will need to confirm it is a valid application before finalising your child’s enrolment. For enrolment instructions, refer to the tabs 'How to enrol in Kindergarten' or ‘How to enrol in Pre-primary to Year 12’. |
Find more information about enrolment and overseas tuition fees in the Enrolment framework for students with a visa in public schools18.
If your child is in the early stages of learning English, refer to the tab ‘The early stages of learning English'.
If your child is in the early stages of learning English, their school will assist them to learn English so they can participate in school activities and become a successful and confident learner. They may be able to attend an English language program at one of our intensive English centres.
Intensive English centres are located in the Perth metropolitan area. For locations and further information, read our Intensive English centre brochure19. Translated versions of the brochure are available. Scroll to the bottom of this page to select from the translated versions.
If you need assistance with enrolling your child, contact your local school or your education regional office2. Let them know if you would like an interpreter so they can organise this for you.
If you or your child have a visa, refer to the tab 'Enrolment options for visa holders'.
Asset Publisher
Intensive English centre brochure19
An intensive English centre (IEC) specialises in teaching English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD) to newly arrived students who are eligible to enrol in public schools in Western Australia.
There's a public school near you
There's a public school near you
Use our 'Find a school' tool to search for your local public school by name or suburb. The tool will provide contact information as well as some brief background information about the school.