Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC)

Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC)

The Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) program is a part-time withdrawal program for upper primary school Year 5 and 6 students in public schools.  

Identified students are selected to participate in differentiated programs offered in a range of delivery modes.

Delivery modes include:

  • regional based PEAC centres providing a series of specialist courses or programs
  • co-ordinator/s who establish courses in a range of schools and/or other sites and teachers are released to teach the courses
  • allocation to schools and multi-age programs operate within schools
  • online delivery of programs.

Programs focus on:

  • social interaction with gifted and talented peers
  • intellectual rigour and challenge
  • pursuit of excellence
  • development of higher order process skills
  • in-depth investigations of real problems
  • open-ended activities which encourage choice and negotiation
  • opportunities to interact with practising experts
  • students working at their own pace
  • self/peer evaluation and reflection of performance.

Blanket testing of all public school Year 4 students occurs each year with individual schools testing their own students.  Parents who do not wish for their children to be tested can opt out by contacting their school in writing.

PEAC programs are managed at a regional level. Contact your local Education Regional Office1 to find out more.

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