Regional education strategy

Regional education strategy

A draft regional education strategy is now available for consultation.

The Minister for Education, Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA, has released a regional education strategy draft for consultation. Refer to the media statement about the Regional Strategy to benefit regional, rural and remote families.

The strategy sets aspirations for students in the 6 regions, outside the metropolitan area. It outlines current and recently announced initiatives that support staffing and building the capability of our workforce, education delivery and student wellbeing.

In Term 3, the Department will undertake targeted consultation on the draft strategy in the regions, with identified key stakeholders across education, government, industry and community. 

Some key focus areas for consultation include:

  • pathway options for students including higher education, training, and employment opportunities with local industry
  • collaborations with the agencies and organisations that can locally deliver the specialist support services our students need.

Community members can have their say and provide feedback on the draft strategy by email at

Consultation closes on Friday 20 September 2024.

Consultation findings will help inform the final WA Regional Education Strategy.