Our contractors and suppliers

Our contractors and suppliers

We procure goods and services, as well as community services, to support the delivery of education to public school students in Western Australia.

We buy goods and services in line with the Procurement Act 2020 (WA)1 and the Western Australian Procurement Rules2.

Contracting and buying

We offer all supply opportunities through the State Government’s tendering website, Tenders WA3. We don’t keep preferred supplier lists, so check the website for opportunities.

The outcome of contracts valued at over $50,000 (including GST) are published on the Tenders WA website. The website has a complete list of contracts we have established to support schools.

We also buy through common use arrangements4 (CUAs), where applicable. The Department of Finance administers these contracts. To become a supplier, contact the contract manager of the individual CUA.

The Department of Finance provides more information about supplying to government5. For advice, phone Commercial Services at 9264 55676 (local) or 08 9264 55677 (for states outside WA) or email buying@education.wa.edu.au8.

Construction and infrastructure

The Department of Finance delivers major construction and infrastructure projects for our Department and public schools.

For low-risk minor projects and maintenance, staff at Western Australian public schools can use our Direct to Market program. It lets them work directly with local community contractors for work up to the value of $20,000 (including GST).

For more information about the program, email capitalworksandmaintenance.directtomarket@education.wa.edu.au9.