Our students

Our students

Our students are from country areas throughout Western Australia.

They are a close group of young people who support and encourage one another to strive for their best. As high-achieving students, they understand the challenges and rewards of gifted education and also the importance of balancing their studies with recreation and friendships.

We strive to create an environment that cherishes both the individual and a strong sense of community. We promote civility, honesty, generosity of spirit, and concern for others.

We have a student leadership program where your child can develop their leadership and teamwork skills. The student leadership team is made up of head students and a student representative council (SRC).

Head students are selected late in the year to take up the role for the following year. Students are selected by their peers and endorsed by our supervisors and college manager. SRC members are selected at the start of the year by their peers and are made up of different year groups.

The head students and SRC members are students that demonstrate positive behaviour, act as role models for their peers, and accept the responsibility of presenting and advocating ideas on behalf of their peers.