
Incident Management on Department of Education Sites Policy


1. Policy statement

The Department of Education manages incidents to reduce the likelihood of occurrence; minimise the impact on students, staff and site activities; and facilitate the return of the site to normal operations as soon as possible

2. Policy rules

All employees must comply with the Incident Management Manual (staff only).


The Incident Management Manual is available from Ikon (staff only) and a hardcopy will be provided to all Department Sites to assist schools and other sites to develop their plans.

3. Responsibility for implementation and compliance

Department of Education site managers are responsible for the implementation and management of the policy on their site.

Line managers are responsible for compliance monitoring.

4. Scope

This policy applies to all employees.

5. Definitions

Officers, including Principals, College Managers and Line Managers, who have executive responsibility for overall management and control of any Department of Education site.

6. Related documents

7. Contact information

Policy manager:

Office of the Deputy Director General, Schools

Policy contact officer:

Principal Consultant, Office of the Deputy Director General, Schools

T: 9264 5247

8. History of changes

Effective date Last update date Policy version no.
1 December 2020 4.0
This new policy replaces the Emergency and Critical Incident Management policy. Endorsed by the Director General on 10 November 2020 D20/0597835.
1 December 2020 24 May 2024 4.1
Supporting resource names and hyperlinks updated. D24/0367129

9. More information

Supporting content

No supporting content found.

Policy review date

1 December 2023